Thursday, May 19, 2016

we are having a fireworks party though. 7-4-2016.

No Open House This Year

     needs some trimming done

      I decided early this year to not have an open house, and I am sure most of my regular followers have noticed that this year. Also I am trying to clean the greenhouse out,so I have been selling trees and planting trees and shrubs in an effort to accomplish this task. I am looking at maybe taking up a couple of different projects in regards to what I am going to do with the greenhouse after that. Today I will go in to further discussion about all that and how it relates to my future plans. 
the lace vine already this year 
      Starting plants for the spring gardening season is a tough sell and I am up against the big box gardening centers at Walmart, Lowes and Home Depot. They can produce, or better yet their subs can produce plants at such low prices and be able to afford the variety and one stop shopping I could never do. I knew this going in to operating the greenhouse, but I thought that maybe a natural producer of heirloom seed stock may have a chance, and I am sure it would with proper advertising, But it also takes the labor necessary to make it happen. Kind of hard to do by yourself and even harder if you have other things going on. I have come to the conclusion I just need to forget this for now and concentrate on things I can do by myself, that doesn’t require a lot of effort and can provide me a return for my labor and time. That itself is going to be a hard thing to find. 

trumpet vine is taking off too. 

       As far as the greenhouse goes I have several  options as I see it. I can just let it sit and use as I see fit to support myself and family in whatever way that may be. Number two would be to rent it out to someone who has the interest to make a go of it and raise vegetables and plants. They may be able to contact a local restaurant and grow greens and lettuce to make fresh salads, or tomatoes, or just do whatever they think would be best. The worse part of this idea is that there is no real retail spot that has any exposure back up in the valley. Also I don’t know how I would like strangers driving in here and frequenting the greenhouse for someone else. 

the little chicky wicky's are growing and soon will be kicked out.

     Another option I am considering is a hydroponics setup with a fish tank and using aqua culture as a means to fertilize plants and cleanse the water. This seems to have a great success in a lot of locations now, allowing in effect a double crop of fish and vegetables from one setup. The greenhouse would also encourage the production of necessary algae to supplant the nutritional needs of the fish, reducing the need for commercial fish feed. I need to study this option more and see if it isn’t something I can get into on a low investment type of business. Not real crazy about cleaning fish but I am sure if I raised them I could sell whole as there are a lot of people out there that would gladly clean their own fish. The size of the greenhouse would allow me to have several tanks and room for plants also. This could easily be a one man operation. 

rhubarb i plan on putting in a bed today
     I have thought of mono cropping it with al strawberries or raspberries in an effort to maximize production and to use as a buffer against bad weather scenarios where I might lose most of my outside berry crop. One reason I have never ventured much into strawberries is at this point in my life is that I already have back trouble and can hardly see the sense of planting something that makes me bend over so far. I have thought of converting pallets I have into beds and keeping them up off the floor and planting full of strawberries thus eliminating the need to bend over so far to pick. The beds would be on top of pallets and these elevated on blocks raising the beds to a height of two and half feet and widths of three feet with 6 inches of soil in the bed. The beds would be lined with plastic to retain moisture and protect the pallets. A drip irrigation system would allow consistent watering. I could easily include a fertilization system. Mulching heavy with straw would keep weeds down and then the only major problem would be picking and marketing the product.
     The nice thing about berries as a product is that the season doesn’t last that long and after the harvesting is done; the work is minimal at best till next year. These are some of the operations I am considering for the greenhouse. I by no means have any desire to do away with the greenhouse and only hope I can come up with a winning combination for the greenhouse. Even chickens on a small free range pasture would be a possibility. Whatever it is, you can bet that the fact that it is being underutilized for now, will be only temporary.

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