Thursday, November 22, 2012

this was clem

      today is thanksgiving and time to give thanks. i am thankful that despite how hard i try sometimes,  that this old body still serves me well. now the mind is a different story. i am thankful for all of you who believed in me and those who didn't.
       i have made it this far.
       to those who think i wouldn't.
       guess what have no intentions of checking out real soon , and only hope i can stay around long enough to really irritate the hell out of you.

       need to thank all of you for reading my blog. i am believe it or not,going on 6000 hits since i started. i have wrote over 166 short pages , each filled with a different shots i took . some pics i have repeated , and maybe i told a story or 2 a couple times. but heck i am creeping ever closer to that 57 yr. old mark and so i feel i am entitled as i am an official aarp mail fan. when i first started almost a year ago i said i would write for 365 days. lately i haven't been doing the best, but still intend to finish my original pledge. i am a little less than halfway to my goal . shouldn't take me to long. lol. but i will finish and then i shall make a choice of writing a book. shouldn't be much difference especially if it is fiction . at least i can control the story. 
      i am thankful for family and close friends. can never have enough. but still have a hard time figuring out which one i would really call if i was in jail. guess i better stay out of that place. 
     i am thankful i never really needed to try last thankful.. 
    i am thankful i am able to do my own thing here in life. it has its moments and the boss is an ass , but oh well still able to live with him, (me) !
     bless mom and babe my dog , and others who have the fortune to acquaint themselves to me as well all strangers. may you all  live long and prosper. i intend to. kev

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