Friday, May 31, 2013

open house yockey farms 2013. 

        as far as i know a good time was had by all who attended the open house here at yockey farms. we had   it o a Saturday on may 18 th of this year. a hay ride and a raffle of a bear i am yet to carve was offered for free as well as free plants to all who attended. neighbors mark and sheila miskimmens, were awarded the yet to be carved bear i should soon start on. 
         i know i said i would carve on the open house date and attempted to do so. but the heat and my lack of saw preparation , prevented me from doing so. i kind of let everyone down. sorry but as i have said it is currently a one man operation and it was all i could do to just make the open house as nice as it was. never again will i allow myself to be extended that far that i was unable to accomplish what i said. 
       this has all been a journey for me over the last year and quite a learning experiment for me and some that  have helped me. a major goal was achieved by just being open this spring. at this time last year i was tearing down the greenhouse from where i had bought it at canton south garden center when it went up for auction. two new ends and moving it to the farm and re-erecting it as well as stocking it in one year and having product to sell from the middle of nowhere, is one major goal accomplished . also during this time i cant say how many posts on here i have contributed toward my goal on this blog.
       as usual this is never enough as the bar goes higher as i knock off another goal. and of course part of what i have done is only accomplished through the help of thanks to all and you know who you are.   having accomplished the goal of opening the greenhouse i need to focus on a direction for it to go in the next couple of years. i am a hobbyist gardener at best and hardly know all there is to know and would work best in a supportive role to move this project where it needs to go. at times i am stretched so thin that i can hardly do a half good job of all attempted. this is not me and i would like to change this. i need to find someone to take over the greenhouse operations. 
      my arbor day tree sale was a real success, and i was able to sell all but about 40 of the 400 trees i bought last year. i need to expand on that this year. i feel there is a niche here to sell trees in the sizes i offer at  a discount and at the same time assure that the livability rate of the trees are greatly enhanced by potting and holding for one year before planting. this years plantings include hardwoods and edible fruit trees, shrubs, and arbor vitae grown from seedlings. presently weeds seem to have an upper hand in my management decisions. this i one thing i need to change. 
      been thinking of advertising for a person to be responsible for running the greenhouse. at best it is a part time position to start. i would have to negotiate a percentage of net profit as wages earned. it is impossible of me to think about doing all this by myself. this would be an excellent opportunity for a person interested in greenhouse management to take charge and assume responsibility. we would be responsible for the hating / cooling and mechanical as well as the supply side of the greenhouse operation. the trees do not necessarily need to be in the greenhouse and so this would  be an opportunity to plan on filling the greenhouse with sell-able product. at 28x48 feet ,and being a semi round type greenhouse . it is fairly sizable with good plastic still rated for 3 years before replacement. we have 2 wells and and it has a retention pond designed to be used as a water feature and as a source of backup water. we are able to source materials in bulk and delivered to the greenhouse, saving a considerable amount of money. as with most business deals complete specifications would be backed in writing with a signed contract. this protects both parties. i am still thinking as to what direction i should go. i just know i would not b able to do justice to all and make the business grow without some help. i would like to be carving the bear and not worrying about any of this. but i also have hay to make for the cows, and a log cabin to build and a couple of carving appointments. wow i make myself tired just thinking of all. so shedding some may be in my best interest. 
       lately i have been of the notion to find some peace in my soul to become settled in my mental state. to do those things i was intended to do, to work my artistic side and be creative. this is what i have always wanted to do.i owe some people and have been working at making amends to those people i have wronged in life and now it is time for me. some who have followed me over time could possibly say that i have always done what i wanted. and to this i say ptui...i have hardly said or done half of what i always wanted to do but instead have been at the bidding of others. for this reason or another, others in my life have been the beneficiaries of my time. i gave and i have gave till i don't know if i want to give any more. currently i have just myself and one other person who would have a say in all i do, and doubt that would be my mom as i love her much but i still feel it is time for me and another person i care about to make some sort of  life together despite all of our differences. this is a plan and always subject to change. my life has been changing quite a bit over the years. 
     i guess i would just like to try some new things i have always wanted to try. i also want to do it before i am to old to even think about trying. another goal i have met recently was to lose weight and so far have lost 27 pounds and this as well as lifestyle changes , have maybe given me another 10 years i hope.  just cant waste no time doing the wrong thing and feel having someone in my life is an important part of it all. 
      so for all the bad i did by not carving on the open house i have secretly tilted the goal meter deeply towards the good i have accomplished. the goals i have achieved and the residual knowledge one gains when working and thinking in realms he has only touched before. it is all good when you try to accomplish something. pessimism and dark thoughts yield very little to an open mind. i am glad to be a free thinker.  

      the boat i had carved for a party before, and the ducks, had the better of the pansies both times . was beautiful while it lasted. i love to watch the empty boat being carried by the wind on its tethered course.
    the hay ride was fun and mom was able to ride to the top of the farm where eagles fear to tread. well maybe not that high but it is a ways up there and what a view. on a clear day you can see 2 landfills and a strip mine . we all had a fun time. hope to see you next year.

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