Friday, December 21, 2012

warm thoughts for a cold day

      well it appears the mayan predictions were wrong and everyone can now wish me a happy birthday on my birthday, since i now know i will be around and the same for much of you i hope. today is the first day of the winter solstice when the earth begins to right itself to summer and the days will get longer in about a month. soon we will be planting flowers and trying to forget the last couple of weeks. it has been horrific watching the news. 
      i can remember as a kid travelling to the akron- canton airport and visiting the concourse area and the waiting room where you could watch passengers leave the terminal on foot and walk to the plane, then climb a ramp and board a plane for a tour of the cockpit and a hello from the pilot and quick explanation of the controls were afforded to all who was present. walking freely around the airport and out on the tarmac in undoubtedly a more tranquil time in our life. if i were to retrace those same steps today would result in me being hauled off to a small room somewhere and having my life probed as deeply  as my body. sadly i think something went wrong some where,  and now i want it back. 
        sometimes i think the only way to get what i want is to get further away from the company i seek. when wandering around the farm you tend to lose touch with all that is going on around you. it is just you and nature and possibly my cell phone and camera as i am still a tech junky , with about as much knowledge  as to make me only  slightly dangerous in most areas. yet  i disconnect from it all and find myself alone to my thoughts.but once i return to tech heaven i find the most disconcerting news at times.  
        at a time when the NRA should be taking the lead in reform , instead they choose to do the opposite. the NRA in their infinite wisdom of knowing what is best for the american people wants to now arm the schools to prevent another newtown tragedy. well i am sure now NRA stands for national retard association . this logic of arming the nation to prevent crime is killing our babies and isnt working. we have listened to the NRA to long and now need to wean our politicians away from teat of opportunity that supporting NRA members offer as carrot to obtain more gun freedoms and increase the number of weapons and crime associated  with them. because of guns and terrorism  we now need to be patted down and , x-rayed , and who knows what else to just walk through an airport . our schools were already beefing up security after the columbine shootings and have limited access and metal detectors , and are subject to bomb sniffing and drug sniffing dogs we never saw once as kid in public school. 
       then what is next the shopping mall a foot\ball game and surely the walk in the park and soon we need guns for every where we go. gee sounds like russia to me.not much difference between us and communism. we are afraid to speak our peace as someone will shoot you because he feels something different or we are afraid someone will just go off no good reason at all. and just when being a kid use to be fun we now have to carry barbie bulletproof backpacks. wake up citizens of the greatest country on earth and live up to your human expectations of perpetuating ourselves into the future as it will take us all to figure out how we can work around this problem with out more guns. 
       and now the nra wants us to arm our teachers  and to post guards at our academic prisons(schools),  as they are to protect our kids. always making us more dependant on guns seems to be their motto. the thing is the nra may get a few members to stand outside schools to keep their 223 bushmaster rifle , but eventually they will want to be paid . just as the TSA does at 8.1 billion dollars  per year to molest you  legally. and the tax payers pay for it as well. as millions and billions more to protect us from evil. evil is the video game , evil is the overkill philosophy of arming a nation , are we preparing our self for a revolution? evil is caring more about guns than babies  evil is looking at a stranger on a street and not knowing if he is out to kill you. ask john lennon as he stood on the street signing autographs. evil is everywhere and yet we may never be able to stop it all. but we can reduce the causes. eliminating guns such as rifles and handguns is a start.
        we register our cars and tax them by requiring license plates . the same should be done for all other guns. better  gun safety should also be an issue to address. in all honesty i would hope they come up with an ingenious way to deal with our problem of guns in the wrong hands. i am not the person who should say what is right \and what is wrong. i am against any and all killing but at times understand it is necessary. 
       fear sells guns and makes chaos and this creates opportunities for people to profit from . i feel we are at a crossroads in public opinion a sort of a winter  solstice so to speak as the days will get longer , i feel the future looks brighter to eventually return to a simpler time with out fear. you and i just need to speak out for what you think is right and to choose those politicians who you feel best serve your interests on this issue and others. use your computer and the web and let your voice be heard. our generation once stood for peace and  we shut down a wrong war by protesting , lets do it again and leave this issue a legacy for our kids to admire at how we dealt with it. . peace be with our young. i have never seen enough.

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