Friday, July 24, 2015

is there intelligent life out there?

Review of News Today 7-24-15

       I will start out on a positive note and give us all some hope, apparently our new satellite telescope has found another planet in a distant galaxy supposedly older and capable of sustaining life. Now you may ask how this news is going to affect you. Probably never, but it may affect your kids in their lifetime. It seems humans could if possible devote all their energy to a project from its infancy and be able to produce the likes of an atom bomb. But it seems like we move at a much slower pace when it comes to saving mankind.
     Why even search for another world? Well we are killing the life processes of this one hastening extinction of species as opposed to creating species as undoubtedly our planet did at one time. I can name a handful of animals officially extinct in my lifetime at the hands of man, yet even when I dig deep can find none that has been created in our lifetime. And on top of that we are killing mankind also, wars are being raged, terror is at everyone’s door step and now we all need a gun to protect what we have as it is necessary because the other 7 billion of you don’t know how to behave and get along with others.
     With terror comes fear and global doom, as the population increases and technology allows, fear comes at a quicker response. Where were you on 9-11, is a prime example.  Within minutes everyone knew what had happened. I was working running a push Cat d-9 dozer loading pans on a construction site south of the Conesville plant in central Ohio, virtually in the middle of nowhere leveling a huge hilltop while working for Beaver Excavating. Within an hour and half after the first plane hit the tower in New York City, out in the middle of nowhere I heard about what happened when others eating lunch started spreading rumors we were at war.  And where has that lead us to since then, more security , more loss of personal freedom , more of our income to support fear, while at the same time creating environmental nightmares as we bomb oilfields, and continue  searching for WMD’s in the name of security. This is why we need another planet,
    A sarcastic but very true poster I saw on Facebook from lady y or something like that which said the USA has went 0 days without a mass shooting, sad but true. We the people are screwing this one up, real bad at times.  Last night we had another mass shooting in Louisiana where a gunman sat in the audience for 20 minutes before standing up and opening fire on the audience. Now if everyone had a gun that was sitting in the audience, would this have stopped the idiot from standing up and starting shooting? Wouldn’t it make you a little nervous if your daughter Sarah a whole 11 years old whips out her Glock and empties it into the fool as soon as he stood up in a menacing way. How would you feel after she finished unloading the clip into him being careful to centralize the bullets around the heart , the head , and a few into his privates for the fun of it, and afterwards blowing the smoke off the barrel of her gun and smiling that sweet Sarah smile you thought you knew so well, wouldn’t this upset you a little or would you be proud of the fact she eliminated the fear for everyone else in the theatre as you all can  sit down and finish watching the movie before calling 911.
      Fear is what sells guns as people are intimidated by the fact that terror is at their doorstep. It is kind of like Donald Trump going to Laredo, Texas, and talking about the threat of Mexican illegals coming across the border. Well they say that Laredo, Texas has a lower crime rate than New York City where Donald Trump is from, give us a break Donald. So what has shown us? But what fear can do. At first it makes you think Laredo must be a bad ass place to be. Laredo isn’t the problem, our image of fear is, because we believe everything we are told and this is why we need another world. We are in fear of screwing this one up so bad that we need another to make it right from the beginning. A place where we what have no guns, no religion , no wars, no profit, where peace and prosperity follows all and we all get along with each other , and we have respect for nature. I am an idealistic person and believe that would be the perfect model, but in reality would be dependent on man to populate and start anew.
     But wait, if this civilization is older, could it not be more evolved than us. What if a species had developed itself as much as we have or even more, and had known about earth years ago and had even visited our blue marble and decided that although it is pretty, it has a species that could virtually kill their planet as they know it and had so far avoided detection till now? Fear had never been part of their daily regimen, but now it has to be, as it seems the people of the planet Earth have tired of killing their own and now has set their sight on their world. It may take us 100 years to develop the technology, but assuredly we are going to go, it is in our nature to wonder, we have to.  And it will take a lot less time if something tragic happens here on our planet, then we will soon be heading there as soon as we can develop the technology to do it, whether they want us to or not.
     Now then who is going to determine what the rules are concerning the new planet, we as humans? We aren’t capable, look at us we cannot go a day without violence and how do you expect everyone to be in agreement to say we have a chance for a do-over there.  Personally I think we should send everyone with over 20000 dollars to their name to the new planet and maybe this one won’t be so bad. But sadly as soon as you send those Wall Street brokers to a distant planet, others would climb up from the bowels of humanity to take their place. How about if we eliminated greed?  Anyone who is suspected of greed for things more than money is the first to go. Now that could be greedy for intelligence, wanting to be the smartest person ever. Or say for instance greedy for stuff. You know everyone has it stuff in the closet things you don’t use but keep forever, constantly spending effort to make sure your stuff is the best and you have a lot of it. Well that is greed and you need to go. Oh yeah, don’t forget your stuff.
     Maybe you like guns and maybe you need an arsenal although you can only fire one at a time you still want to have all the guns in the world and then you won’t live in fear anymore, you definitely need to go and take the guns with you. That is greed. Of course wanting money and never having to worry because you have so much that even if someone tried to take it away you would still have enough. You would never have to worry. Of course that is the greed we are most familiar with, where you can buy freedom, guns, security, and surround yourself with others that think because of their association with you, they too are never going to be in fear, an umbrella of safety to cover all your associates and shield them from fear helping to protect you in the process. Of course these are the people who are going to profit from such an adventure as starting life on a distant planet. Maybe they deserve to go first; after all they are paying for it.

       Well nothing is going to happen overnight and if there is intelligent world out there, hopefully the new planet is a cardboard cutout the real intelligent civilization left there to purposely avoid our gaze of their real world.  And since we will expend all our energy getting there to view the fake world, it will be that much longer before they are ever detected. I hope so for their sake. It is just that I am disappointed in man. We as humans can do amazing things, and at the same time do some of the most unimaginable things ever thought of. Build bombs to kill millions, allow starvation, and war to profit someone’s pocket, but at times can barely get along. I think we need to clean up our own house and act civilized before we go visiting someone else. If nothing else for fear they may be worse and looking for a world like ours to call home. At least if we have conquered our fears and learn to get along with what we have and everyone is happy, and the environment is at equilibrium with all species and is healthy. Then maybe we don’t really don’t need anyone else or another planet. I know dream on.

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