Sunday, June 10, 2012

immmmmm --- baaaaaack

     sorry for not writing for a while . a combination of problems and in the end it comes down to priorities . i have been busy on several projects around the farm. we have started making hay here on the farm. this requires a fair share of time . equipment needs worked on and a lot of it is preventative maintenance. the first field went flawlessly and this is always good. had no rain and this is good for making hay but bad for springs and ponds as the springs have dried up to at best minimal flow . the soil is dry slowing germination of seeds and supplying critical moisture needed . but most of the planting tasks have been completed. recently went through the pine trees and mulched them and trimmed as necessary. i went to an auction and bought another 150 arbor vitae and picked up close to 500 or more pots to move the new trees into eventually. 
      the hen ducks who had been sitting on their eggs have fell into a bad funk as nature has reared its ugly head and not only wiped out all the nests of their eggs to a critter.  that same critter apparently dragged the white duck off to an unknown demise just as she was about hatch her eggs out. then another nest was robbed , and this left just one brown duck with a large nest of eggs and out of that she hatched 2 ducklings and they were cute. but unfortunately they were lost also leaving us at a deficit on the duck population as we are down one hen . recent activity seems to suggest that maybe they may still try and hatch out a nest. 
     alas chip and dale my so called chipmunk friends who visit my back porch and at one point warmed my heart while watching them play just outside my window on a statue i have there. well it was all cute watching them push each other off the statue and horse around till they started eating my plants.this was only just after i placed food out there for them . they cut some expensive trees and rooted them up as if they were eating the roots. could have shot them. and now i have or have had a groundhog problem in the garden. this guy is going to get himself an electric fence very shortly if he doesn't change his culinary tastes and leave my cabbage alone. 
     the flies are terrible on the cows as they get little relief in this heat. the cows have adapted though spending nights eating when it is cool and then head for the barn when it starts getting hot. i guess it is a toss up for the flies , eat s--- or land on a cow . the flies hardly get so many choices. but it does give the cows some relief. 
     well i also planted some field corn with a grain drill as i just wanted to try it. was an interesting trial and feel you can get a good stand , and could also have the choice of row width by blocking fertilizer discharges with seed boxes . i used the fertilizer bin and just drilled the corn in with a cover crop of oats to reduce weed growth. i don't use fertilizer but instead go for lime as a soil amendment. the lime is better for the soil as it increases the release of beneficial elements necessary for plant growth .  hopefully the corn will be planted at a rate that will allow it to surpass the oat growth. just a trial , and will see where to go from here , once i see what i get. have the rest of my life to tweak.
       well hope all is well with you and hope you are enjoying this weather. today i spent at atwood lake beach . a place i swore before was a breeding ground for e coli and actually i tried to get them inspected for their problem with goose feces. the main problem was they crapped on beach and this was carried  into the water by unknowing or caring individuals. apparently they have a handle on the problem and i could say the overall beach cleanliness was up 100 percent from last time i was there. my thanks to them as i enjoyed the cool water in this over bearing heat. 

      well the boat didn't sink but the ducks figured the flowers looked way to good and ate them . so i pulled the boat onto shore for now trying to figure out my next move. but the flowers were pretty when they finally opened. oh well that is what trials are for.

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