Tuesday, May 22, 2012

puter probs .com

         computers rarely die they are just sick and it is up to you to make them better. and it becomes an obsession of mine to make sure it works as it should . what started out as a slow response a couple of days ago has turned into anything but productive as i tried to reduce files and unnecessary programs in an effort to speeed up the computer.
       MISTAKE- the only thing wrong with a computer is the loose nut on the keyboard pounding away at it. as hour upon frustrating hour would add up to just wasted time seeking normalcy. i wasn't asking for the world on a silver platter but instead a puter that works. instead i get this thing. 

         it is functional and it is mine and still works and will tell you some history of where i am at with this thing. i bought a new asus laptop and the young zuckenberger lookalike assured me it was top class, it was at best buy and i knew with a store name  like that, i could only expect the best . and this young salesman surely wouldn't try to be hawking the asus laptops because they were a good deal for  them.i was kinda hoping it was for a good deal for me for me.

         but not having a functioning computer after mine had died, and not being able to scout for both those attributes as best i could determine from the web, so i was kind of at the mercy of this guy in an effort to get a good one. it has twin processors capable of 3.4 gb -gigabytes- exceedingly more ability to process than ever i could think of using due to my limited typing ability. 2 finger typing is as fast as i could possibly go and still it is barely a trace of the total calculating ability of this laptop. well the cost of it was bare bones at 800. this price went no where but up. one thing this young salesman didnt tell me about when he first started   touting its abilities,  but i soon found out as i was handed the bill.  
         well some of the free stuff i was offered , the geek squad , free programs i have since eliminated . instead i have opted to down load those  programs that will make my laptop a lean mean computing machine. this is fine in theory but we have to throw in the loose nut thing again. it has served me well ,though requires maintenance at times. 
         i was traveling and since i was riding on a train for several hours and  i took my laptop along . after all that is the reason for a laptop flexibility isn't it? to annoy other passengers. and miss out on social interaction as you are supposed to do with those things. apparently others don't share my  same appreciation for"porky's revenge," as the cheerleader wails . well i sensed ,even though i had earphones on it seemed as if sleeping people, were all secretly  watching my laptop, and when we got to the cheerleader part you could almost hear the people secretly sucking air in horror, lusting at hearing her silent screams of ecstasy ,  but at same time opposed to such good tasteful wholesome humor.  i , too was somewhat ashamed of my technology and the cultural implications that i has well shamed enough to just put the laptop away. i had all the gadgets that allows me the total ability of a portable office. and this is what i should have been doing instead, as i have the inclination and desire to do so,  no excuse to not write any where. i also have all the gadgets associated with the ability to do this.  one of them is a wireless mouse. 

       i was staying at a friends house and this loose nut in his hurry to put stuff away grabbed the mouse and stuck it in my then open laptop and closed the lid cracking the screen. a thousand dumbasses screamed silently in the back of my head as i heard the screen crunch. what was i called my self a loose nut?
      well to make a long story short as i go on and on as if i have unlimited computing power. my laptop is a permanent fixture. no more portable than a desk model as i now have a lcd screen  tied to the now defunct laptop to allow me  an improvement over the cracked screen.  i  also did add 2 new speakers and a wireless keyboard allowing me a flexibility of working up to 10 feet away from screen as if this old loose nut could see that far away from screen . 
       it has served me well . it has ample storage space so far and  when downloading  pics, it is pretty responsive, when not in web mode. i have also added  the internet via a wireless wifi connection through the usb port . now since all you loose nuts  that are out there are reading this totally understand all i am saying, so  i will just move on . after 4 days of less than optimum performance and trying time after  time , different speed enhancing features to it and nothing worked. i rebooted to an earlier time. this is just like it is in a country song when you get a divorce and play the song backwards , you get your wife back , your dog back and your kids back , so i get all those bad programs back . so in effect i have learned a valuable lesson, don't fix whats working. as my grandpa would say , keep your fingers out of it. oh well  it is better and just needs some tweaking but it is time to live and get some things done that don't require sitting in isolation as my main focus. we are alive again and cant wait for future times together. thank all for reading and bearing with me in my time of learning as everyday is a learning experience . its just as we get older a lot of lessons are ones we should have already learned. -life moves on.

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