Saturday, February 16, 2013

tough winter

    at least it was on me. soon after my last post and up until recently i have been sick . not your run of the mill flu sickness but instead full blown flu symptoms to i am going to die sickness. one trip to the emergency room and one initial trip to the doctor which started this whole thing off in the first place. and in the end can attribute all my sickness to to a new prescription , which was having an adverse reaction to my system. it was close to shutting me down at times. finally i kept questioning the new medicine and after finding out that it definitely interacted with my current medicine , i stopped it after again consulting with my doctor and went back to my old medicine schedule and began feeling OK as it took awhile to make a comeback and after working a little while still find myself weak at times. the joys of getting old. 
      the frogs were carved and painted just before Christmas and i was going to do some more trimming with my chainsaw when i burned the clutch out of my chainsaw. i continued on with a regular chainsaw and a couple of other electric tools i have and managed to get them painted just before Christmas, but they still were not done and now i was sick and waiting for chainsaw parts. 
    now i couldn't even make up a better story for my effort of trying to obtain the right part from a so called trusted authority on chainsaw parts. bailey chainsaw parts is one of the largest in the nation sending parts worldwide and specializing in carrying parts i need for my carving bars and chain. 
     well the first part they said they left at end of our lane in the paper box and then slipped a piece of paper in the mailbox saying the package is in paper box. anyone who has ever seen the end of our lane knows it is no place to leave a package in the open. it wasn't there and doubt if it ever was. only the tin man knows for sure and he isn't talking. i looked high and low for package and then went online to check the routing to assure package was delivered. i called ups (united parcel service) , and i couldn't even make it to a representative before being booted off phone 3 times. i called baileys and explained to them , and they started a search from their end and 2 days later after Christmas started to send a new part to replace the one lost. in the meantime ups called me and accused me of stealing the piece and were pretty down right outrageous in their actions of not really doing what they were paid to do in first place. deliver the damn parcel to the house. the lane was clear , my dog was in the house at the time they said they delivered. not once did they even bother coming up lane and delivering as they should, but instead hurled accusations at me for them not doing their job. 
      well after replacing the lost part their service has become considerably better. baileys continued on a down hill slide , as the part they sent to me wouldn't fit on my saw. i ordered another but again it was wrong. then i returned both of those parts as a salesman assured me he had the right part for me. it was the same part i had before . then they sent me a needle bearing as they felt the needle bearing was the problem. i checked the inside bearing race of the old sprocket i took off and determined the part i was getting from them was flawed and called and told the salesman who ordered parts for his saw, from his company and claimed they fit his saw which was identical to mine and couldn't see why the parts wouldn't fit. well  after a month and a half of being sick and dealing with all these yahoos who could do nothing but accuse me of malfeasance in not knowing one end of a chainsaw from another. i told them i had enough. i called another chainsaw supplier and found what i wanted and for one fourth the cost , at which point i called casey my expert at baileys and told them i had enough of making them and the postal service solvent again and i was returning their defective parts to first casey, the expert to install on his chain saw and if he could then to just keep the parts and i would absorb the cost . if he had problems installing on his chainsaw then they owed me a full refund and an apology for being such asses. 
        so far i have had a half ass apology as the parts were defective as i said. he said he was waiting on parts to send to me. i told him i just wanted a full refund of all money i have paid them since this fiasco began. i have  my chainsaw running again and with parts from a different company and still i am waiting on my refund to be credited to my account for absolutely nothing but a hard time. 
       no wonder i was sick. doctors who cant prescribe, delivery people who don't deliver and parts suppliers who send me scrap iron. whats a guy a to do, but worry about what is next. 

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