Sunday, April 20, 2014

happy easter

Happy Easter – Yockey Farms Open House Update

       Want to wish everyone a happy Easter first, and hope you are with family and friends this beautiful weekend. In some ways I am honoring a time worn tradition by spending it at my boyhood home and the one place where I have probably spent the most Easters at over the years. It wasn’t planned that way but seems to be the default now in my life.  Life moves on as my blog always says. Just the way things worked out. I have always wished for a different ending but destiny had other plans. Spending time with Mom is great though, and we plan on celebrating Easter, but in a less traditional way. We plan on going out to dinner as opposed to having dinner at home.  Mom would have cooked but I really didn’t want to put her through it, and then there is  always left overs. Neither of us need to have any extra left overs.
      Years ago we would wake to an Easter basket that would magically appear out of nowhere filled with candy and colored eggs we would do the night before. Jelly beans in  green plastic grass,  it seemed I was always picking out of my mouth. Of course one large chocolate bunny which was usually solid back then over the years turned into the hollow ones they offer now. We would gnaw on those solid chocolate goodies till we had a brown ring around our mouth and then start zooming around with all the energy we had to expend. Running here and there looking for Easter eggs to find the magical lucky eater egg and maybe scare up a dollar treat from it. Doubt if kids would run very far for a dollar today. Somewhere along the way we switched to plastic eggs and Easter was forever changed. Some years we headed to church with Grandma and Grandpa but then the whole family would get together and enjoy an Easter meal at home. It was the beginning of the big meals we would enjoy over the summer and there was hardly room on the table for plates and soon a table was set up in the kitchen for the expanding family. Unfortunately as life moves on, families change and I guess all we have left are memories. But I am fortunate to have all those memories, and in an instant can let myself go back and relive those moments anytime. I can even draw you a picture of what it looked like and may do so someday.
      Anyhow just a few thoughts I have had as was wanting to blog this am and wish everyone a happy Easter. Hope you have a safe and happy one. I am kinda on track for my open house on the 17th of May. This is my second annual open house and hopes to be in better shape than last year. I moved the date back as it needed to be closer to the end of May as Mother’s day was too early to distribute plants. In fact I think a lot of people lost their tomato plants and did get some of mine due to an early frost. I am trying to time my seedlings to be ready around the 17th. Then that way you can just take them home and plant them directly in the ground. The last frost free date in Ohio is May 10th, and you really shouldn’t plant anything frost sensitive before then.

last years pics. not all items available. 

      Trees and shrubs are ok to plant now if you have them. I have a variety of potted trees that are very economical, and can be planted anytime. They are available for as cheap as 7.00 / pot, most deciduous broadleaf trees, (sugar maple white oak, red oak, tulip poplar, red bud, and purple plum as well as Hawthorne and flowering crab). I have some white pine left and also Austrian pine, plenty of blue spruce and arbor vitae are available in the evergreen species. All of these will be available at the open house. This is not a complete list of all my trees and if you are interested in any before then, you can email me at or call me at 234.521.3984. I will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
        Still planning on having a cook out after the open house, and will provide bottled water, pop , ice , and hot dogs , and a fire , and a hay ride although their will just be baled straw at this point. Anybody that attends can have a free six pack of tomatoes and I will have some good rich topsoil amended with natural composted cow manure mixed into the oil so that if you bring your own container you can fill one four gallon maximum container with soil for your bucket tomatoes for your back porch. This is enough for you to have a tomato plant to grow and provide you with fresh tomatoes without having a garden, and do it for free. If you want more for your needs then I have to charge you a modest amount. Otherwise I will be so broke I will have to come eat with you every night. After dark at the fire I would like it to be just adults, if anyone would desire to stay and enjoy an early outside fire in the country.

        So far that is the plan and is always subject to change, but I am kind of hoping it I wrote it in stone. If you would like to attend the cook out I would ask you bring one covered dish, and service for yourself and let me know so I can plan to have enough of what I plan on providing. Alcohol is permitted after open house and during cookout, but a you bring it you take it with you policy exists and I would like you to take care of your empty containers yourself. Please don’t leave lying around or throw in trash if recyclable. Be responsible in your drinking and  I will try and have separate containers for the recyclables. This is going to be the only day I will have regular hours , otherwise call and make an appointment to see me if you would like more plants or anything special. This is a chance for everyone to enjoy a day in the country and have some food, enjoy a hay ride, and I will be carving if I am not burned out, by trying to get it all together as I did last year. I sincerely hope to be carving for you folks this year. I have some interesting projects I need to start. Anyhow hope to see everyone there that can come. I have made some changes and added some things and hope you will have a good time.  In addition I will be giving away a carving to one lucky person this year. You will need to add your own name to the pot yourself, one entry per person, and the winner will be picked at 6pm on the day of the cookout. It will be another bear; I plan on carving by then. The winner need not be present and will be picked by the oldest person in attendance at the time of the drawing. So bring the old folks and hope for the best. Have a nice Easter and enjoy your weekend. Kevin 

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