Friday, December 25, 2015

another babe story

Christmas Past 

rolling pin Santa

      Or it will be by the time I finish this blog. The dreaded Christmas day is past and all of the pomp and circumstance surrounding it is done, littered on the floor like the wrapping surrounding the presents.   For me it is a moment of solitude and quiet time surrounding me.  It’s  knowing that I can’t go up the road and stop at my favorite haunts like the Save-A-Lot store or maybe Mc Donalds and grab a sandwich. Whether or not they were open was inconsequential to me and in reality hope they were not and their workers had a chance to be home with their loved ones. I imagine the gas stations are open but then again I had no need for gas and instead stayed home and kept to myself and my thoughts. The internet was working and I thumbed through it wishing everyone I could remember a merry Christmas.
      A few friends wrote personal e-mails to me wishing me a merry Christmas and spending some time chatting about this or that in their lives allowing me a chance to catch up on their lives. Some unexpected people stopped in with quick hello’s that surprised me. All in all it was a good day to touch base with friends in my life. Some I had talked to just a few days before when I had my birthday and they wished me a happy 60th birthday as I head into my 6th decade of my life turning a new page in a lot of regards. I guess I am kind of numb to the whole thing of life in some ways.  

babe w/ a stick

      Christmas has always been a big letdown for me and in some ways I can’t say this one was any better or worse than Christmas pasts. It is what you make it , and in my own little way I tried to make it good taking care of those and giving to some strangers. I didn’t have much to give but in a little way I hoped I was able to help someone else have a better Christmas and to me that was what it was all about. Still without any kind of social interaction it was numb as usual. I could have gone down the hill and spent it with Mom and Sherry, but instead stayed to myself as I was prepared to do. I tried to lay a plan as to where I was headed in the next year thinking resolutions. But in some ways I have already made my plans.
     So instead I took advantage of the good weather and continued some brush hogging work over the hill listening to my stupid dog bark and bark and paw the ground and do her stupid rituals that make me wonder if she is retarded. At one point while the brush hog was running, meathead decide she was going to save her stick from the whirling blades of death as I turned around to see her trying to pull a stick out from under the brush hog while it was running. I yelled at her but soon she was back at it. So I stopped the brush hog and picked it up of the ground with the hydraulics and allowed her to wrench the tree out, as I now saw it as it was about 10 feet long and about 2 and half inches in diameter she readjusted her tree in her mouth and proudly headed up over the hill as if she was showing off a fresh kill. She dropped it in the open field and looked at me. At this point of dealing with stupid girl I just decided I had enough for the day and besides I had picked up a log to carve and needed to head for the house as it was getting dark.
    As I went Babe would pick up her stick trying to balance it with her mouth and get it up off the ground so she could keep up with me. She would get ahead and then drop it, and then pick it up again. She never ceases to amaze with her energy and how much she wastes on stupid things like barking at me. Even with headphones on and music turned up she still was annoying. Humorous and made me smile but still annoying. She won’t listen to me when I tell her to quit or do this or that. Instead she has a mind of her own. Somehow she knows though when she has pushed me too far and will usually cease her crap. But it wasn’t today or yesterday and is rare when she does. I guess I created the monster. Still she was there beside me and shows more what a real friend is. Someone who don’t take your crap, tells you like it is and makes you smile, but most of all she is always by my side. She is sleeping now after a big bowl of chicken and noodles over her dog food, and she is a tired and full gal. I really would be at a loss without her.
      It was her that made my Christmas  even though she gave me nothing but a hard time and left her tree in the open field so that next spring if I don’t go back and make her move it, I will hit it with the haybine and probably bust a knife and make me mad. But I will probably go back before then. Still she made me smile on an otherwise dreary day. Better than any other friend could. I am sure one of these days i will find time to look at Christmas in more favorable terms but still today was one Christmas I will remember for a while, if not for its simplicity, then for its unexpected treasures from an unexpected source that has been close to home for me.

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