Sunday, March 27, 2022

Back to Bloggin


Back To Bloggin

 It literally has been over a year since I blogged , and really i have no excuse for my absence, outside of pure lack of drive. i have had things to say, but just lacked the wear with all to sit down and force myself to type. a lot has happened since the last time i blogged. we sold the farms and I am still in the process of moving.   

     Though i moved out of the farm , I am still moving, now from one place to another and trying to accustom myself to developing a comfortableness to my travels. Having a cold hasn't helped along with troubles of a mechanical nature that was associated with my choice of the first truck. also I am still getting used to the camper and finding out what works and what doesn't. 

      Currently I'm in Clovis,N.Mex. and in  a nice reasonably priced RV  trailer park for the next two days. iI started from home and made it to the southern edge of Kentucky before having any problems with the truck. Getting ready to leave and packing up years of stuff at the house where i was on the farm was a different story at some point i will go into more thoroughly. but as i was coming into Williamsburg , Kentucky I noticed the speedometer wasn't working right and that the truck wasn't shifting right. Also I noticed an odor of burnt oil ,although the oil pressure was still good in the engine , i had no clue what was going on with the transmission. my first thought was to find a place to do the basic checks i need to give me a better idea. there was a truck stop and a Walmart parking lot which is an RV'ers best friend when travelling. 

        I filled the truck with gas and checked the engine and transmission oil and both looked normal. I grabbed a bite to eat, and ran into an apparent resident of the Pilot truck stop I was at and I talked to him about his traveling woes, apparently he was at the end of the line with his RV. he still thinks he can get it to run but from the sounds of it he had been holed up in the Pilot truck stop for awhile. a few minutes talking to him , made me want to make sure that his fate wasn't going to happen to me. I decided to head next door to the Walmart parking lot in case I couldn't find a campsite for the night. also i climbed under the truck and didnt notice anything suspicious as to what may be going on , but I just needed a spot that was open and not much traffic to safely really inspect the truck and transmission. Walmart parking lot offered that to me. Also i needed time to find a campsite. 

        Although i still found nothing wrong with the transmission and it was still shifting though making a noise but nothing that sounded serious. I found a campground online that seemed like a good place to be , not too far out of town and the owner answered and told me had several sites available. So i just headed out to his place. the route was twisting and strangled at times as it curved around the mountains while dragging the trailer , but the truck , though shifting hard was going through the motions and never once let me believe that it was going to strand me alongside the road. My hope was to find a a place to park the trailer for awhile till i could trouble shoot the problems with the truck. one of the reasons i chose a fifth wheel trailer over a bumper pull trailer, is that if i wanted to leave it someplace , it is much harder to steal a fifth wheel trailer as it does a a bumper pull. also the weight is centered over the rear wheel and that increases the traction on the truck and eliminates sway. it is also more maneuverable. 

       Anyhow i made it to the campgrounds and was able to get set up. after talking to the owner of the campground i felt that I may have came to the right place as he seemed knowledgeable about where to get it fixed and it was a relief that i wouldn't have to drag the trailer to a repair shop or live out of it at the repair shop. I had no water onboard except bottled water because when i left Ohio it was still freezing daily. my next blog will go into my trials and tribulations with the truck from that point.

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