Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Here We Go Again

    It is no coincidence seeing me back again writing, I had full intentions of doing so. I just wanted it to be more meaningful and updated to latest technology. This I intend to use to write another sci- fi book I have had visions of in terms of dreams and plot that I was stumped on up until about a month ago. I have been toying with the idea of the dream and how I could use it in my novel, to not only give an air of mystery and suspense, but also unveil a vision I have for a future civilization.
       I thought about using present day technology and future considerations of how we will exist in the future with concerns of global warming, and lack of quality food and water to sustain the mass population, overcrowding, depletion of natural resources and an expansion in human population that will require more resources from a planet that is now limited to what it has to offer.
        We need everyone to think of how and what they can do to help all humans survive, even if that means limiting reproduction. Third world countries will push the population to 7 billion by 2050, just 30 years from now  that isn’t that long, or a little over half my life. We are currently at about a population of 5 billion. Our societies are diverse and some are steeped in political and religious upheaval, some are just there , not really advancing man or his cause. War is a constant companion to all societies with lethal population destroying bombs of the like we have never seen before and hopefully never will.
       We don’t know this as at best we never know for sure what ur future will be like. We can only plab and hope for the best. As an individual we have a tendency to be complacent and say that we are only capable of so much and in the scheme of things , this is almost nothing.  But we are capable of much more than you think . individuals like alexander graham bell Thomas Edison, and albert Einstein as inventors and individuals made significantand life lasting discoveries that have changed the course of history. To think you as an individual are in capable of making a difference , than think about how our life would be different without any of these three being around. Yes we may have came to the same conclusions eventually , but what they had thought of saved countless lives and in some cases changed the course of history. You can easily make a difference and as a group we can move even farther with a group think olicy. A hundred minds solving a problem is always better than one. Sharing our thoughts and working towards a better society in general.
       Does Utopia exist?  If it did everyone would flock there and tell you what is wrong with it. Some would tell you how to fix it, or what they would have done to avoid it in first place, and we would be bored after a couple of days and want something different. Bliss in each of our minds means different things. It could be laying along a beach, basking in the sunshine getting drunk, partying with friends and family. It could be the early morning cup of coffee sitting in yard watching the dew rise off flowers and see a doe and her fawn eating in distance and the sounds of birds chirping, it may be helping an autistic child or talking to an older person, it may be a good book in a comfy corner. We all have different visions of what we expect total bliss is supposed to be.
      Is it supposed to be stressful with politicians spewing hate and spending billions to be reelected while the poor and destitute would be happy with a warm meal and a piece of sidewalk to rest the next night without fear of death or being hassled  because you have nowhere else to go. To spend money supporting a system that on a regular basis rounds up and locks behind bars, people who only want what everyone else has and that is a chance to make their life better. Drugs, greed and human trafficking are common place and being afraid to live in your house for fear someone will break in and hurt and rob your family. Where walking down the street may make you a victim of street violence ending in death.
           This is only going to get worse if we don’t change the way our society is headed. Educating our young and letting them experience a life we lost long ago. Our digital gadgets are not preparing us for much as long as all we get from them is games and a canned society that is as fake as the president that is supposed to lead us. This is a sad reality of what we have to look forward to. We need to expose our young to so much more and in order to do this, we need to step up to the plate as adults and teach our kids. Teach them self-worth. We need to have kids that don’t crave death, or suicide, in place of living, and that we all depend on each other. We need to think outside the box so to speak, and see how some are able to survive like the Amish.
       Religion is the glue that has held the Amish community together and yet they as a group are from a far from perfect society. Although some of what they do is admirable when considering traits of a perfect community. So I will attempt to include thoughts and visions of what I feel are a perfect society that would work for all. I will try to lay this out in the framework of the novel as I go along.
     I also plan to share and keep to a time table as I did with my last novel and posting online in my blog as I go along. You will be able to follow along as lay out a plot, and insert facts and figures as deemed relevant, or possibly add inks to check out my sources as I go along. It will be a narrative and it may be in three different time eras. At no point is any of this real or meant to be a reflection of any person, I know . I may refer to national event as a means to further the story or advance my theories.
     As far as I know this will probably be the last novel I will write. If I do anything I may write articles in support of my novel in the future should it become necessary. All proceeds from any sales will go to making this novel a reality. It will have a good ending for all. It is if nothing else be an outline for others to follow up on. I will own full rights and will transfer accordingly. Hopefully I will be able to negotiate a book deal upon completion. Follow me on my blog and if this ever does come to fruition, I will gladly sign your copy. In some places I may insert pictures and artwork as necessary to further illustrate my ideas; these are my property and would hope you respect that fact. I never claim anything as mine that I don’t have a personal interest in. I will try and footnote or link sources I use from someone else. This is a forward to my book and I hope you enjoy and get something from it, if nothing else maybe a chuckle. 

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