Friday, September 6, 2024

Hemp or Pot? Up in smoke

So if I share thias article , could i be considered a pusher? Maybe 10 yrs ago this may have been . Hemp and marijuana are the same but there is a difference in growing and the euphoria of both. The genetics have changed drastically over the last 30 years. In the 1940"s the government planted it all over the place in Missouri and Kentucky. Today you can buy seeds that produce plants that produce no seeds but is high in THC. That will produce buds ready to smoke in 3 months. Growing pot is a very technical process or a simple one depending on your needs. It is becoming a source of fiber but the government is there for the most part , every step of the way except growing at home of which you are allowed to have 6 plants in various stages at any time. if we were allowed to grow unfettered we could use hemp as a fuel source . Hemp grows quite easily and produces more biomass per acre than most most woody fibrous plants , and all could easily be burned or used as bio fuel to fire a boiler and generator to provide heat and electric. This would also lock up carbon to an extent and help moderate global warming by utilizing the carbon in the stems to produce tall plants with high density wood fiber. this could be left in the field and dried naturally then chopped by farm equipment that exists today requiring no real great engineering need.

If we were to design housing close to these safe forms of energy production , we could easily produce all the energy we need locally on even the not so great farm or marginal land. the waste or ash could be returned to the soil to help generate more hemp for power production.
Several hybrid power generating methods could be utilized including methane/ hemp process where by human waste would be mixed in a methane digester as well as food scraps and paper and other wood products one might find in a municipality. these include products we pay to get rid of in todays modern society. Again the burned waste could be used on agricultural land and is currently being done by local municipalities. It is a resource that should be utilized more. Methane is a major contributror to global warming and would best be utilized by burning as a gas to generate electricitry and heat close to the source it originates from.
More the reason to build it as close to your home as is logically acceptable. A planned city that takes our waste into consideration is much better than adapting our present homes from the outhouse/ septic tank . forced main type of sewer system we have today. A planned city would take costs into account and for that reason keep sewer and water runs short. free electricity or low cost would encourage busienesses as well sewer and water and this would lead to low cost housing on a much smaller thumbprint. All with pot, it has a future. a real win win solution to global warming.
Humans are responsible for global warming and it is up to us to find solutions to ease the problem or try to make it go away. Think of that the next time you fart and remember you share this world with 8 billion others doing the same let alone mention the fact we drive cars and cut down trees and ship nothings all over the world till our polar caps melt. Folks this is us today. Think about your part and how you can help make it better.
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DID YOU KNOW? …In 1775, the hemp crop made its first appearance on Clarks Run Creek, located near Danville, KY. Because this crop was not native to Kentucky at the time, it had to be imported from New England and other European countries. The fiber from the hemp crop was originally used for homespun items such as twine, rope, thread and textiles. Hemp's popularity began to grow dramatically between 1790 and 1800 when settlements began to evolve into more organized enterprises.
During the early 1800s, Kentucky was considered a leader in the production and exportation of hemp and began to manufacture products from it. With a great amount of seed, came large amounts of fiber which was then spun into rope at locations known as “ROPEWALKS”. These areas were outdoor spaces where hemp fibers were spun in order to make this sturdy rope. By 1809, Kentucky was producing bailing materials for the entire South. Mills on Lower Howards Creek, located near Hall's on the River, were associated with the hemp rope production and shipped their products out of Holder’s Station to downriver.
The growth of hemp in the U.S. during the 19th Century dwindled with the availability of cheaper imported fibers from Manila and the East India Company. During War II, however, the Japanese took possession of the Philippines and the East India Company, and since jute supply from India was also restricted, the Americans had to produce hemp once again, for industrial purposes as well as to sustain the vast demand from the US Army and Navy. Rope made from hemp was used in rigging, towing and mooring the ships, paratroopers needed webbing for their parachutes and the hemp fiber was even used to make shoes for the soldiers. #hallsontheriver #hemp #hemphistory #kyhistory #kentuckyriver #winchesterky

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