Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Nuclear War. Are we ready to hand trump the keys again?

 Nuclear War 

Should Trump Hold The Keys Again? 


      I am in the process of rewatching the nuclear blasts that ended WW2 in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The devastation and destruction and loss of life on a scale rarely seen in human timelines. possibly the destruction that remained after the meteor that ended the dinosaurs may have been larger, but the lingering ill effects were probably worse with the atom bombs. We still don't know the total damage that may have been done from the radioactivity that was released from those bombs. 

       Long-term effects may include residual radioactivity of primary importance. From there, we may expect chromosomal damage in our DNA and the DNA of plants and animals around the world. This is compounded by our continual use of radioactivity for a variety of purposes, some beneficial to us and the planet and others that result in making our lives a constant receptacle for the buildup of radioactivity. We are constantly collecting more and spending the usefulness of it, then collectively storing it for an untold amount of years, till we find a way to denature it, or safely store it so no natural disaster may make it harmful to humans again.   

        As most people know, we also use radioactivity as power generators for domestic and military use. we also have facilities and mines where we produce and refine the radioactive material. Also, we use radioactivity in bombs like the ones we dropped on Japan in WW2. I believe 7 nations currently have bombs and several more working on refining the technique to produce their own weapons of mass destruction..We have had wars where we went to war seeking weapons when they fell into the hands of those we don't feel should have them. there are still those out there we try to negotiate with but have little success when it comes to trying to limit their ability to have their own weapons. 

      You know the players, of China, and Russia with Iran and North Korea being those we have had conflicts with before over their use of nuclear weapons. to say the least, we are walking a tightrope with our finger on the trigger of war every second. In the USA we allow our president to be the one to commit us in times of war and peace to use these weapons of mass destruction in a manner where they are used with the utmost consideration as to the consequences of said use. We are not just electing a president, we are electing a decision-maker who will look at all the parameters of the situation where we might use these weapons to defend our nation and people. 

      With all our technology and safeguards we still face the possibility of accidental loss or ignition of weapons to unforeseen mishaps involved with the safekeeping of said weapons. In this instance, we may have an exploded weapon from a foreign country that is an adversary under normal conditions. we need a leader who is willing to look beyond the relevant facts before acting on a plan to retaliate. An accident is an accident and although there will be repercussions we still need a steady hand on our nuclear missiles at least.  They should be used as the last resort when it comes to a response. 

      Enter Donald Trump Ex-president of the USA, There was a reason why he is Ex-president and not President today.  He lost the faith of the people in the previous election and they elected another president. Part of having your finger on the trigger of nuclear weapons is to have a level head. Not prone to spur-of-the-moment decisions, gut feelings, being a hot-head know-it-all, and a thorough understanding of what you are working with and who you are working for. Trump is guilty of bad traits and clueless when it comes to understanding physics or anything useful when it comes to nuclear warfare or nuclear use. His knowledge of science is limited to a great extent and is only overshadowed by his lack of respect for the office of president. 

       This is a man who has to win this election because he needs the protection of the office to avoid charges of treason and interference with elections as well as inciting riots. A man who constantly lies to the people is an existential threat to our democracy and swears vengeance on his perceived enemies. Who feels he is above the law, has placed the courts in a position to grant him immunity powers of a king, and has claimed he will be a dictator on day 1. 

         He is hardly my pick for president. he has no superpowers that make him any different than any other person seeking that office. His past actions grant him no remedy but to face the charges he is accused of like a real man, despite the ramifications. He was fired once from the job and should be again because he doesn't even understand the office of the presidency and wants to treat it like it is his personal plaything that he can do whatever with.  

          I am nobody with a keyboard and an opinion and that is all I need to do all I can to prevent this man from returning to office. if I can convince one more person to take a second look before voting for this man then I have done my job. I still believe every vote counts. If you don't vote then you must understand that I just listed his good qualities. Social Security and all aspects of government in the USA will be affected by this man who has nothing to lose with a second term. He knows we do. it is important to get out and vote and if you are not registered then do so now. It is your civic duty. Btw, I have only been called for jury duty once in my life but have voted for years. 

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