Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1-24- 2012 - freaky accidents occur on every farm and at times you least expect. dad is in pic at the right side of the screen with my sister charlie and this was taken after he had an accident one day on the farm. we were working down at the other farm , and was helping grandpa move some cattle or  something . cant really remember why we had his truck down in the field but do remember making several attempts to try and bring the truck up through the pasture field. grandpa wasn't always the best driver as evidenced by the back of his tailgate, as numerous dents and scratches indicate he wasnt so good at backing , it was stopping he had a problem with. we learned early not to leave our legs over the end of tailgate as it was like an alligator waiting for him to back up and eat your legs.
     so me and my brother were sitting on the wheel wells holding on for dear life as try after try grandpa would attempt to drive truck out of the field . dad was on side of road holding the gate open, so that when we finally did make it we wouldn't have to chase cattle. the reason me and my brother jim was in the truck was to add traction over the wheels as if we really mattered .  it was a good thought and safe place to be as we soon found out. grandpa had tried and didn't seem to have enough momentum and then backing down. well this one time he was giving it hell as we rounded in front of the barn , the old chevy pickup swinging wide as it climbed through the gate and then it slid closer to dad , and next thing we knew we saw a steel fence post coming out from under the pickup and heading straight for dads chest and hit him square right in middle of his chest and hard enough to knock him down and take the wind out of him.
      grandpa slams on the brakes as we yelled for him to stop and we all ran back to make sure he was ok.
he was having trouble breathing and we rushed him to the hospital. he had sustained a punctured lung and broke 3 ribs. it was so surreal seeing that fence post shoot through the air like a javelin and spear him in the chest. it could have killed him. many times we have been hung up on the farm and have been in same or similar circumstances but never had anything like this happen.
         the wheels were spinning as fast as grandpa was  ran over the top of the fence post just right and it shot straight out from under that tire like a slingshot would.
   i borrowed this pic of a dog that very much resembles my dog babe and don't know if this pic is photoshopped but is a really cool pic. thank you whoever.

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