Sunday, January 1, 2012

   new years day 2012- and i am late to post again. still trying to find out the ins and outs of blogging process. and i am sure a few of you would like me to use capitals once in awhile. i read somewhere how it is important as a good blogger to always be pointedly correct as i think they called it, i just call it anal about rules. i quit playing that game and i am making up my own game and i call it simplicity. just think how much more simple life is without worrying about capitals. seems even spell check has times when it corrects a word and inserts the capital. in this case it is easier to just let spell check have its way. now for all you people out there that insist on capitals . imagine them. the reason i do without capitals is because i have a disability when it comes to capitals. my fingers are to big and my hands as well and i type with 2 fingers hunting and pecking my way across keyboard. i cant remember letter placement and have to look at keys and occasional the  screen. i am fairly proficient at this and can type quite a few words allowing my mind and hands to formulate together a coherent piece of work. throw in capitals and i wear out the backspace key. i felt i needed to let you unfortunate readers i have already allowed for something you can complain about. so nail me about my poor grammar, and lack of capitals. i am more interested in telling a story. oh yeah happy new years again.
     the first pic is a view out our farm lane. that is an Indian totem , with a snake wrapping around the base , an eagle on one side, a tee pee, a crescent moon, all symbolic of Indian culture.feathers and whole sculpture 99 percent done w/ chainsaw. in effect still working on it. was letting the wood bleach out as it is black walnut.
     the second pic is an imaginary fish. or is it. the sea is offering wonders all the time. one place where you can draw any type of fish or creature and inevitably it seems as if someone takes a pic of it. they are still trying to understand that world. a precious commodity to be cherished. the fish is swimming through a sea of sunflowers i planted a couple of years ago. eye candy for passing tourists.

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