Tuesday, January 17, 2012

      1-17-2012- this blog isn't all about me and is on the contrary can be all about you. let me know what you would like to see. any feedback would be appreciated. any comments you would like to direct to me personally. i can be reached at kdavis3051a@gmail.com. tonight is about an exceptional local artist and sculptor who specializes in bronze and is only a one tank trip away. located in zanesville ohio , alan cottril galleries is a great one tank trip away from us in northeast ohio. i have included his website address for address, hours , and relatively cheap admission of 2dollars per person for an hour and half of eyecandy. you will ooooooo  -and ahhhhh , over individual sculptures with exceptional detail. in the picture below click on image and look at guy on corner of building. didnt realize he was there till i got home and down loaded pics. i thought he could have dropped out of sky . i was totally oblivious as i was looking at everything else but the corner of building. i was like a kid in a candy store.Alan Cottrill Sculpture Studio

        this is a vault he has designed for he and his wife in later life to be used when they reach their demise, his sculpting tools reside forever in his pocket. mine might be cremation and add my ashes to the fire of a couple of chainsaw carvings. just cant see taking up anymore space than i have to. somebody might need it to stand on someday. 8 trillion and counting. 63 people born every minute of every day. and growing. where is it going to end?

      this is just a small sample of what you can see. he is a very successful artist, and well renowned. i am in envy of that studio, and leaves me with something to aspire to. guess i will have to add one more thing on bucket list. the trouble is the bucket keeps getting bigger and harder to carry as i get older. maybe i should just stop , turn the bucket over and spill everything out, then sit on the bucket and figure out just what is really need to carry with me. but then again dreams got me this far, so maybe i will still hold onto a few as go on from here.

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