Thursday, March 15, 2012

duh-more fish tales 

    well the reason i am saying duh , is because daily i was making a point of dating my blog entries , and while going back and checking on some i noticed the date was in the left hand corner of the blog. hmmmm. well somehow i found a tongue on here and no longer have to look for a page of material to fill. now it is getting to be time to trim . the idea was a page of written to four photos out of my albums. i try to keep it at that making it easy to read. let me know at 
     next up is an old joke i heard with an accompanying cartoon relating to the joke. and it is called are you going to fish or talk. 

are you going to fish or talk?
     old luigi had a fishing boat and he would go out and fish . he would fish a lot as he had the best catch daily. and all the fisherman were complaining he was flooding the market and over fishing the area. so they complained to luigi.  then luigi comes in the next day with an even bigger catch. 
      finally the other fisherman went to the game warden and asked him to do something . they just knew for sure luigi was up to something to get that many fish so quick . so the game warden took their information and decided to meet luigi at the docks before he went out fishing and see what he put on his boat . 
      the game warden spent a good portion of the night waiting on luigi and finally in the early morning when the light broke the ocean surface here comes luigi a whistling , smoking a cigar , and carrying a box and a lunch on his shoulder. he sees the game warden and stops whistling and just chews on his cigar. and waits for the game warden to speak . finally the game warden says"say luigi what you have in box? " 
     "my secret weapon" luigi continues on. " i use it fishing." 
    the game warden not seeing no poles and only his lunch and the box go into the boat. and the game warden figured that luigi was using dynamite to blast the fish to the surface and just oar around and pick them up. but he had to prove that was the case. so he asked luigi if he could go along and make sure he was fishing  legally. 
    luigi cocked one eye and asked "let me get this aright . you want to come-a fishing with me?, hey what the hell hop in." 
     the game warden thought this is to easy and so off they went. they get about a half mile off shore , and the game warden starts trying to make small talk with luigi to figure him out. 
     luigi would have nothing of it and tried to bore the game warden back to shore as luigi finally reached into his box and produced a 3 part fishing pole. he threw his line out,chewed a new end on his cigar  and leaned back and listened to the game warden go on about every woman he had ever loved and  finally luigi just couldn't stand it any more . he reaches into his box and pulls out a stick of dynamite and at last the game warden would have the proof to catch him as luigi  lights it and instead of tossing it over board he looks at the game warden and asks in a slow low drawl.
   "so tell me mr game warden, are you going to talk or fish?"as luigi threw the dynamite on the floor of the boat in front of the game warden. 

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