Tuesday, May 22, 2012

puter probs .com

         computers rarely die they are just sick and it is up to you to make them better. and it becomes an obsession of mine to make sure it works as it should . what started out as a slow response a couple of days ago has turned into anything but productive as i tried to reduce files and unnecessary programs in an effort to speeed up the computer.
       MISTAKE- the only thing wrong with a computer is the loose nut on the keyboard pounding away at it. as hour upon frustrating hour would add up to just wasted time seeking normalcy. i wasn't asking for the world on a silver platter but instead a puter that works. instead i get this thing. 

         it is functional and it is mine and still works and will tell you some history of where i am at with this thing. i bought a new asus laptop and the young zuckenberger lookalike assured me it was top class, it was at best buy and i knew with a store name  like that, i could only expect the best . and this young salesman surely wouldn't try to be hawking the asus laptops because they were a good deal for  them.i was kinda hoping it was for a good deal for me for me.

         but not having a functioning computer after mine had died, and not being able to scout for both those attributes as best i could determine from the web, so i was kind of at the mercy of this guy in an effort to get a good one. it has twin processors capable of 3.4 gb -gigabytes- exceedingly more ability to process than ever i could think of using due to my limited typing ability. 2 finger typing is as fast as i could possibly go and still it is barely a trace of the total calculating ability of this laptop. well the cost of it was bare bones at 800. this price went no where but up. one thing this young salesman didnt tell me about when he first started   touting its abilities,  but i soon found out as i was handed the bill.  
         well some of the free stuff i was offered , the geek squad , free programs i have since eliminated . instead i have opted to down load those  programs that will make my laptop a lean mean computing machine. this is fine in theory but we have to throw in the loose nut thing again. it has served me well ,though requires maintenance at times. 
         i was traveling and since i was riding on a train for several hours and  i took my laptop along . after all that is the reason for a laptop flexibility isn't it? to annoy other passengers. and miss out on social interaction as you are supposed to do with those things. apparently others don't share my  same appreciation for"porky's revenge," as the cheerleader wails . well i sensed ,even though i had earphones on it seemed as if sleeping people, were all secretly  watching my laptop, and when we got to the cheerleader part you could almost hear the people secretly sucking air in horror, lusting at hearing her silent screams of ecstasy ,  but at same time opposed to such good tasteful wholesome humor.  i , too was somewhat ashamed of my technology and the cultural implications that i has well shamed enough to just put the laptop away. i had all the gadgets that allows me the total ability of a portable office. and this is what i should have been doing instead, as i have the inclination and desire to do so,  no excuse to not write any where. i also have all the gadgets associated with the ability to do this.  one of them is a wireless mouse. 

       i was staying at a friends house and this loose nut in his hurry to put stuff away grabbed the mouse and stuck it in my then open laptop and closed the lid cracking the screen. a thousand dumbasses screamed silently in the back of my head as i heard the screen crunch. what was i called my self a loose nut?
      well to make a long story short as i go on and on as if i have unlimited computing power. my laptop is a permanent fixture. no more portable than a desk model as i now have a lcd screen  tied to the now defunct laptop to allow me  an improvement over the cracked screen.  i  also did add 2 new speakers and a wireless keyboard allowing me a flexibility of working up to 10 feet away from screen as if this old loose nut could see that far away from screen . 
       it has served me well . it has ample storage space so far and  when downloading  pics, it is pretty responsive, when not in web mode. i have also added  the internet via a wireless wifi connection through the usb port . now since all you loose nuts  that are out there are reading this totally understand all i am saying, so  i will just move on . after 4 days of less than optimum performance and trying time after  time , different speed enhancing features to it and nothing worked. i rebooted to an earlier time. this is just like it is in a country song when you get a divorce and play the song backwards , you get your wife back , your dog back and your kids back , so i get all those bad programs back . so in effect i have learned a valuable lesson, don't fix whats working. as my grandpa would say , keep your fingers out of it. oh well  it is better and just needs some tweaking but it is time to live and get some things done that don't require sitting in isolation as my main focus. we are alive again and cant wait for future times together. thank all for reading and bearing with me in my time of learning as everyday is a learning experience . its just as we get older a lot of lessons are ones we should have already learned. -life moves on.

Friday, May 18, 2012


          recently i was privileged to come back into possession, photos i thought were long lost and it brought back a flood of memories . a tide of emotions some low, flowing into more feelings until you ebb and reminisce over lost thoughts.  feelings of emptiness, loss of loved one , an old dog , a friend , at varying moments of your life . your paths though intertwined left each other at a crossroads somewhere in the past . and this reflection of that moment in time is all that lingers behind to remind you. how i hate to love and hate at same time. to want for certain past memories of times not so perfect  but ones you wouldn't trade for anything.
        and maybe that is the reason we should grab for all we can while we are here. to be free like these guys showing off for my friend in new york one day as i accompanied her on a photo session as we just pulled over at a waterfalls on a lovely clear creek. things you wont see in a picture is knowing that this first guy had surgery on his heart and he had a scar up his midsection where they had  laid him open. he was real friendly and was quite eager to show the scar off, and tell us his story.  he was young and had spent quite a bit of time sick, but now he is in great shape, compared to where he was.
        he was talking to my friend who also had her own share of problems including major surgery and a loving donation of  a kidney  from her brother to save her life, as both hers was failing. , but now she is fine and her new kidney was placed in her front abdomen , but then you wouldn't know that as a picture doesn't tell you that. that i was a lucky person to have known her in the first place and admire her courage in the face of diversity to move on as this young man did also.  to allow all of us  including  this young man , myself and now you the reader see a little more into this picture and be able to understand how this happened to be.
        how this all reflects a happiness that supersedes all other emotions as you see the water pour down his back as gallons upon gallons of cold clear water pouring over the falls and weighting him down as he tries to stand under the shower .  i secretly wished as my friend did ,that we had the youth's freedom to be there in that spot where he stands and feel for yourself  the sensation he must have been experiencing as we were suffocating from the heat outside and that waterfall looked so refreshing. no matter how hard you look you could never see this in this picture.
      and as i look at other pictures of people and places i haven't been i wonder what it is like to stand in tiananman square in china and watch a protester in a standoff  with a tank , or a girl cradling the head of a student who had just been shot at kent state university . images i will never forget .
       no matter who is taking the picture at the moment it is recorded.  it is unrelenting proof of a moment no one can discount . you have proof this is what it was like at the moment the picture was taken.
      an image on a piece of paper that is not human,  but human designed and is charged with all the power it contains to bring you to the brink of tears, to make you laugh , to make you yearn , to disgust you , is it fair that it should exist as such. such is the power of a picture and hopefully the next time you look at one you might ask yourself a few more questions. and look a little deeper , and find that emotion.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


             these are my sasquatch shoes , and i keep them hung up for now. ever wonder why they saw bigfoot prints in urichsville? well these are a pair of sasquatch shoes to fit over my shoes. they are quite heavy and awkward to walk in , but they have been a fun carving for me to do. it is amazing how easy you can twist your ankle with these things. i made them because i wanted to walk through a neighbors garden when i lived in newcomerstown area. he was a little bit red -tarded , and i ended up fessin up to my shenanigans before he had a chance to know any different. but these were by far, not one of my first carvings.
         one of the first things i carved ,  i remembered the other night and it was when i was younger and just after i had married my ex. (words i never thought i would use in one sentence) . she had kids by a previous marriage and were still quite young when we moved out of the city of marietta to a house on a hill up bear creek . it was called nun"s hill after the folks that had previously lived there. it was an adventure just getting to the top of the hill and on rainy nights as the drive became a water filled gorge as rain would sheet off the hill and would actually push stones you placed for traction down the hill . my ex  these 3 kids and myself  lived up there with out any electric at the time as the electric company  was slow to hook it back up. we heated water over a fire and did dishes and basically camped out. we did have a toilet that would flush with a bucket of water but for the most part we turned in at sundown and as they were sleeping i would sit on front porch and here nothing but the earth spinning into tomorrow as it was so peaceful there.
        as i was hooking the pump back up after i finally got electricity to pump running water out of the well and i had installed a 3 bay stainless steel sink out of a bar somewhere i picked up for nothing.  i needed a stopper to hold the water in the sink. my son zak who was the youngest and was always tagging along behind me and asking questions about what i was doing. like.
     "what you doin dad?"
   " making a none ya" i said as i was carving a stopper for the sink out of a hunk of 2x4 . i would wrap an inner tube around it to make a leak proof seal. but to explain it to a six year old is hard to do as one question leads to another. and i had used the none ya phrase on him before with some success as he stood there looking bewildered . none ya in actuality meant none of your damn business. this he didn't know as i never explained that part to him. again.
      "what you doin dad?"
     and again i said "none ya " then came the why's ? "why dad?"
     " because i need one".
     " why?" again he asked .
      when i would get a little irritated with the questions i would go into a long technical spiel about nothing so he didn't have much of a chance to say something, and he would look at me like i was stupid, then again i was trying to carry on a long winded conversation with a 5 yr. old, asking myself now and then who was stupid?  well after about fifteen minutes of him asking me why and me skating around the truth about none ya , did he finally leave me alone
     later his mom asked where the stopper was for the sink , and he asked her why?
    she explained to him that she need it to plug the sink and explained to him what it looked  like and he said
     " oh you mean the none ya"
      she said to him ," what did you call it?"
     again he said the" none ya ", and she started laughing and yelled for me.  
     and when she told me what he called it.  i laughed as we all did but zak had a hard time figuring out why for awhile . so after that  we called all our stoppers none yas. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

self deprecating humor
          well it seems as if get the most response when talking about the animals and when they get the best of me . it is easy to make fun of situations and one i got into years ago happened in mother goose land just off i-77 at thee tuscarawas st. exit in canton .it was just across the nimisila creek as it runs parallel south along i-77. they had a petting zoo and storybook characters from the tales of mother goose. they also had a fiberglass whale and the place still exists but has been grown over and is ramshackle, the last i looked. 
       they had a jet and i would say it was from the korean war era and it was used as a slide as the jet engines were pulled out and you could slide through the wings and look in the cockpit through the clouded canopy. my brother and i were a little old for all the fairy tale stuff and the petting zoo, but had to go along with things as we had just went to church and ate dinner with grandma aand grandpa , and my sister sherry wanted to go to mother goose land . anyhow it wasn't our choice but we still found something to mess with. we both wanted to get into the cockpit of this thing ad we kept trying to dislodge the canopy to open the cockpit. we got the top to wiggle and then we had a crack and both of us managed to work our fingers under the lip of the canopy and picked it up and slid it open. we were happy having accomplished the feat. 
     the heat blasted out as the jet sat in direct sun and built up pretty good heat in the cockpit and a smell of mustiness wafted up out of the cockpit. my brother jumped in and messed around with it flipping switches pulling and prodding as i leaned over top of him checking it out myself. this was amazing stuff imagining what it was like to pilot this jet up in the sky and it looked so heavy as it would have to go fast or it would never go anywhere. soon it was my turn and i slipped into the pilot's seat and took a hold of the joystick and would maneuver the rudder while pushing on the pedals on the floor as you would push one in and other would come out. i was sitting there trying to figure all the dials and gadgets out when my brother slides the cockpit door closed over my head . i told him not to close it but by the time i had said that he had me closed in and instantly it started getting hot. i tried to open the canopy and it wouldn't open . i told my brother this wasn't funny and instantly he starts laughing , and i thought he was holding it closed but he wasn't . 
   we wrestled with it for about 5 minutes and by now i am sweating buckets inside this thing. i yelled for him to go grab grandpa and get some help. he said to be quiet, we would just get in trouble . at this point i couldn't think of any more trouble i could be in as i felt like i was slow cooking. then we began to attract attention as another group of park visitors were alerted at my brother shouting at what they thought was an empty jet. well looking at strangers faces through the canopy of a jet while slow cooking is an experience i would rather forget. 
      then some genius says hey look there is the handle for the ejection seat pull it and see what happens. well my thought about that it all works good in theory but in practicality it probably sucks as it designed to work in the air when plummeting to the earth and the canopy goes one way and you the other . here i am sitting over an explosive charge hopefully removed and if not will blast the seat and me through the canopy. which is closed and locked now . not a smart move and  further complicating things for my brother. and as for me im sure the last thing to go through my mind in this event would be my butt. just didn't think pulling this handle was a good idea,  when i refused to pull the handle they tried to wedge a pen knife into the canopy as by then  there was a generous crowd of about 20 people there on both sides of the jet looking at stupid boy , who got stuck in jet. and grandpa and grandma were no where to be found. 
       i remembered we used that lifting and pushing motion to unlock it the first time , and when they got it up i yelled to push and it slid open and people cheered and i emerged . i was soaking wet but rlieved to be out in now cool fresh air , someone muttered they ought to lock that thing , somebody could get hurt. and i just looked at them. people were asking where our parents were and my brother and i just took off.   we went around the corner and there was grandpa and grandma as they working there way towards us and wondered what the crowd had gathered around the plane for. we just shrugged our shoulders and didnt say anything. the plane is gone , but the memories linger as life moves on.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

mothers day 
       happy mothers day to my mom , Florence . many thanks for a lot of things , and i guess the most important is to know right from wrong , now to do it all the times? don't think anybody is that saintly to live there life always doing the right thing. but it is nice to know the difference . 
      sorry i had to end the nuke house thing , as i would think it interesting reading , somehow i feel most people don't share that idea. if anyone is interested i will send them a copy if you request it from this web email address : kdavis3051a@gmail.com . it is a big file so may take awhile to download. this is also one reason i didn't finish the fallout shelter as i have been doing quite well at brief subjects . trying to keep myself relevant to a certain degree to the subject at topic. it is a serious subject and does require some thought . and i really don't want this blog to be a survivalists textbook . i guess my biggest question is if an atom bomb or hydrogen bomb is a weapon of mass destruction , then the manual should have been an instrument of mass protection. cant say that this one manual so adequately covered all we should know if there was a nuclear attack. well lately i have been attacked by those animals i care about. 
     having left the door to my house open on a couple of occasions as i went elsewhere close on the farm to come back and be invaded by animals.  those ducks were the first ones , having figured out where the fish food is stored , or duck food as they know it, anyhow they saw me away from the house and with door open decided to try and venture in for a morsel or 2 and possibly leave me a duck pile. well i snuck up on them and it was like daffy duck was a keystone cop as they almost flipped out as they saw me come around the corner. 

    this morning while looking out my back window and just looking up over hill i saw first one chipmunk then another and they started playing on this indian head sculpture , and they were funny you could almost see the smiles on their faces especially at the one breeding scenario. if i had only knew or realized this also was a prelude to a home invasion by the varmints when i least suspected it. again i left the door open for a second to fill the bird feeder there normal place of nourishment, and i come back to the house and started in door and noticed one of the chipmunks in side the house. freaked out he ran inside and i chased around living room and back out the house. its not your enemies you have to worry about its your neighbors you have to watch. mine are animals. 

       i finished carving on my tiki like head , and actually have it glued back together and excess glue peeled away in picture second pic down . this will be a neat tool to know how to do as it allows me to do larger pieces of carvings by gluing appendages where i need them . i use gorilla glue and it works extremely well in this situation and is excellent for use in outside environment. 
      also this is a project i have tried once before but made the boat out of wrong wood and it would only flop over on its side . it also did a good job of sinking. well i hollowed out more of the bulk and flattened its base to make it more stable and it seems to work as it is floating. still not finished with it and have some other ideas i dont want to spoil you with . so you will have to wait and see .this is all carved out of one piece of wood with a chansaw. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

nukes can be your friend

       yes and i know you will scoff at the idea , but it may save your family unit , i mean  just imagine being squirreled away from all people and nobody to depend on except your family. day in day out ,three months or more of solitary confinement with your family. sharing intimate moments of crapping in a bucket and using  a pole or something to shove the bucket far enough away from shelter to keep it from stinking , and relentlessly day after day you listen to the radio but only for 10 minutes to hear nothing but static and then to shut it off not knowing if any one else is around so as to spare the batteries . then light the candles in your shelter to make a canned soup supper. and you never thought a kid could stink as much as junior who lays around on his bed and farts and complains. sis is screaming because junior pulled her pigtails again, and it wasn't a,  i'm hurt scream it was an elevated i am making a statement and blowing your ear drums out scream , and your loving wife chimes in with i cant take this any more i need to get out. 
        yes its moments like this that make you cringe but it allows you all to see just where everyones breaking point is. that moment when you lose it and then crawl into the corner and start weeping uncontrollably. and then you suddenly come to your senses and remember you have packed a gun for moments like this and you begin searching through all your supplies and come across the tube for the radio. now for those of you who don't remember , radios had just started using transistors around 1960 , and chances are you may have an old fashioned tube type radio . when a tube went bad you just popped it out and ran to hardware and grabbed a new one. and suddenly you realize junior must have been playing with the tubes , you flash a mean look at him and he cringes and says there it is, as you take the back off the radio and plop the tube it in the empty socket and then close  the radio back up, and try the radio and it starts to play music, an old hank williams song called'your cheating heart 'and you realize in a flash of a moment their lives are special enough to last till tomorrow as another crisis is diverted. the radio stayed on for fifteen minutes and everyone was quiet and listened to civilization again, no news but it sure helps to have a diversion 
    also included in grandpas things is the geiger counter used to measure radiation . this was original government issue , and i can remember grandpa using it . been wanting to see if it powers up but needs batteries i don't think are available . and then the next thing is to go play with it. would like to see what the radiation readings or background is here and then take to our other farm and then into the woods to see if there are any significant pockets of radiation left where where the government sprayed radiation . how ironic that would be if i could actually use their own machine against them , almost 50 years later. well this is one half of pamphlet. 
      and be advised in 1960 everybody thought you were cool when you start hoarding things and digging holes in your basement to protect your family. now they just call you a lunatic. again this would not be a bad idea to have seeing some of the tornado destruction photos. if it was stocked and you had a small generator and an up flush toilet and shower , you might have something you could live in temporarily till your house is rebuilt. and if all house had similar structure built in them what better deterrent to an atomic bomb then to realize you enemy is still alive  and living in shelters.will try and wrap it up and will give you an email address to write to and i can transfer the file easier

Thursday, May 10, 2012

food for thought
        this is a pamphlet my grandpa received from the u.s. government after receiving a job with the u.s. forest service. apparently this was around the time of the cold war between u.s and russia and i wasn't in school yet . it was about this time i wrote earlier in a blog of mine of experiments the u,s government was doing beside my grandpas farm. i cant really say this was passed out to all families back then , but i know grandpa received his as part of his employment package. 

      technology was a gray area back then as it couldn't be defined but it sure was a nice area to lump everything you didn't know anything about. like how does a tv. work , oh its that new technolgy. computers really were not thought of and i remember seeing an abacus in a second grade classroom and wondered if i was going to get to play with it. i had already knew how to add and subtract and was really past an abacus before starting to school. radiation and fallout were also terms we were not familiar with. i remember the duck and cover drills in second grade but had no idea they could be tied to radiation. people just referred to it as new technology and rather than try to understand , just accepted that the idea was bigger than they were. the cuban missile crisis is somewhat paralleled with what we have going on in europe now. 

     fidel castro was going to ally himself with russia and install missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads to any part of north america from cuba. president  kennedy drew a line in the sand and forced an embargo on cuba that is literally still in effect today that limits cubas' ability to seek its own destiny. 

      now the united states and nato or the european alliance wants to establish a a row of missile batteries in romania i believe as an intercept of missiles from iran , russia is protesting as now the tables have turned and now the missiles are in their backyard. anyhow i thought you might need a good book to read when you are kissing your ass goodbye after a nuclear holocaust of epic proportions is going on. 

     i especially like the art work in this book as it leads you to believe in a light hearted way that everything will be all right as soon as your arm rots off and your teeth all fall out, then you can relax in your fallout shelter and run your hands through your hair and shake out the clumps. it will be all right. until you have to bury everyone else as no one is left to bury youand the buzzards would eat you  but the buzzards are to sick  to feed on  radiation poisoned carcasses that they lay down beside you and rot, in the heat. what a lovely mental picture i paint when talking about radiation.  this is part one and will try to do in the whole pamphlete in  three parts to assure that you have your own copy . allthough the information is old , it might work better than anything we have today. a nuclear explosion basically melts everything that is electrical in nature, we are more dependent on electronics now than when were were back then. print a copy out and just keep it for just in case. they did mention having a fallout shelter double as a storm cellar in case of tornados, that seems like a great idea . to be able to protect your family and have supplies in case of  disaster. hopefully we wont see no mushroom clouds in the distance, as in the picture above. i think if you did you might as well say your prayers quick before the air blast hits you. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

cuyahoga  falls 
       the cuyahoga river begins its descent and a trip south before heading north to lake erie in a series of falls called cuyahoga falls. originally settled in 1812 and most notably the home of the cathedral of tomorrow , a rev. rex humbard creation featuring the now grace cathedral which seats 5400 visitors under one of the largest domed structures of its time. it also has one of the largest indoor crosses weighing 32 tons in the ceiling lit with a multitude of lights that alternately change colors. it is adjacent to the cathedral buffet which is famous for feeding the worshipers of these religious services. at the time the grace cathedral was built it was the largest indoor arena without support, offering an unobstructed view of the stage from anywhere in the pavilion. classrooms and offices are around the outside of this circular building. 

       it is also adjacent to rex's erection,or the the calgary restaurant where work was stopped on a tower upon which would have had a revolving restaurant. it was also going to be the antennae for the services being broadcast by rev. humbard. construction was stopped when people saw what a blight it would be on surrounding area's property values and the fact it had no sewer or water hookups available to the restaurant. it is currently being used as a cell tower. it is also rumored that the design and building process of rex's erection had been flawed and building issues with concrete strength were also discussed. but it still stands today. the tower site is owned by an individual as it was sold at public auction to pay unpaid debts. 
the ernest angely ministires is currently housed in the grace cathedral which was originally called the cathedral of tomorrow. 

        the downtown section of cuyahoga falls has been transformed around the cuyahoga river and includes a river walk and an amphitheater and is surrounded by downtown eateries and hotels. fishing was observed along the river walk and from my understanding there are even more falls than the one i have pictured above. as well as a cave over a 120 ft. long  where sandstone had been washed out and was a scene for indian action in early pioneer days. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - they have done an excellent job of transforming the river front into an asset for the city. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

akron zoo-(cont.)

         pink flamingos appeared to be eating the same duck food i use which is actually fish food . i understand they are made up of waste fish meal and shrimp parts and pieces in a handy dandy pellet form that floats on water. my ducks just love it and from the way the pink flamingos at the zoo were attacking it , seems to be a hit with them too. this fish food can now be picked up at the magnolia mill and is good for feeding a variety of fish and animals. i have seen those darn muskrats that have been tearing up the banks of my pond relax with a morsel or 2 of fish food,errr duck food. 
       the landscaping at the park is at times misleading as to where to guide you to go. or obstructing you to other parts of the zoo as i guess it is intended. but for most part is top notch with  sign plates identifying trees you may want to use in recreating your own backyard maze. at the top of the hill is a water fountain and  a landscape garden and trellis. also included are a couple of statues the plantings are just now starting to come out of their winter doldrums and should be quite vibrant in the early summer ? late june timeline. murals adorn the walls in different areas of the zoo and are quite well done. 
        thankfully no gorillas here though. i like gorillas but on a trip to the cleveland zoo one time i remember going to the gorilla house and soon as i walked in i could see the gorilla staring at me. as i continued to enter and though he was supposedly in front of see through glass and that i could only see him , his eyes met mine as i walked through the pavilion, his eyes followed me  and when i leaned close to the glass to see him better and was still a foot away , he lunged for the glass banging off of it and scaring the hell out of me as i could see the glass flex in. i looked around at everyone else who just about crapped them selves and they kindly suggested to me that maybe i need to stay back. as again he took aim and headed at glass and bounced off again. freaked out i just left.
      the akron zoo and the cleveland zoo do seem worlds apart but i now understand they are sharing and have some sort of a partnership. also it seems as if the akron zoo has a plan and are working towards it in a positive way. 

       and they do have a king of a lion and his mate also in the lion house. he does look regal . it would be nice to view him some other way than behind glass , but they are wild animals and looking at humans all day and not being able to eat one would get a bit old. especially since we are the reason they are there. all in all a quick trip around the zoo will take at least a couple hours if not more for breaks . so better to leave your afternoon open. but was well worth the money  to view all these animals. in retrospect with the latest news of the women who from zanesville area who had just received custody of her wild animals back after her husband released them and as i look at the pens for the larger animals and know they are far better than what that women has to offer her animals. and yet i am still disappointed at man trying to recreate their natural habitat. when an animal is injured or senile retire him from public view and make them comfortable. locking them in a pen with limited movement is like a prison to them and may be better to euthanize. it is her possession as the state has saw fit to allow. maybe we should lock a few legislators away. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

akron zoo

       recently i had the chance to visit the akron zoo. to say the least i am ambivalent about zoo's and wild animals in captivity. in particular  any operation that keeps wild animals for profit. in this case i guess a majority of zoo's could be excluded including the akron zoo. it is a non profit organization i would assume whole heatedly dedicated to the preservation and use as of animals as a tool to educate humans in their importance in nature. the zoo is open 363 days per year, and charge 10 dollars per person and 2 dollars parking. it is well worth the money and is totally handicapped accessible and is easy to find . 
Akron Zoo- this is the link to all their information. 
       parking is easily accessible to the zoo. i like the architecture and the safari feel of the zoo as music is playing on in the main entrance of the zoo. this safari theme is carried on through out the zoo and its layout is somewhat confusing but soon lends it self to seeing all the sights it has to offer. it is currently undergoing remodeling and some exhibits are still under construction.but there is plenty to see and do and especially for younger children. 
      i will try to show you with some of pictures in today's blog , and then finish in tomorrows.and if you need to see more guess you need to visit. there are all paved walkways if one would like to use a scooter(rental for 25 dollars available), if handicapped or a wheel chair. there are some moderate hills to access all features of the zoo. 

     you have penguins, lions, tigers and one bear who undoubtedly looks a little well worn but understand there will be an improvement hopefully his habitat. there are fun things for the kids to do and also includes a fitness trail with activities for improved personal health. i am sure they must have a yearly membership for less and may be a better deal if you have a family. also they have a salt water exhibit also opening soon. and one more additional item is to bring your own food and drink as they have tables available where you could sit down and take a break and have a snack. eating there could be quite expensive .