Friday, May 11, 2012

nukes can be your friend

       yes and i know you will scoff at the idea , but it may save your family unit , i mean  just imagine being squirreled away from all people and nobody to depend on except your family. day in day out ,three months or more of solitary confinement with your family. sharing intimate moments of crapping in a bucket and using  a pole or something to shove the bucket far enough away from shelter to keep it from stinking , and relentlessly day after day you listen to the radio but only for 10 minutes to hear nothing but static and then to shut it off not knowing if any one else is around so as to spare the batteries . then light the candles in your shelter to make a canned soup supper. and you never thought a kid could stink as much as junior who lays around on his bed and farts and complains. sis is screaming because junior pulled her pigtails again, and it wasn't a,  i'm hurt scream it was an elevated i am making a statement and blowing your ear drums out scream , and your loving wife chimes in with i cant take this any more i need to get out. 
        yes its moments like this that make you cringe but it allows you all to see just where everyones breaking point is. that moment when you lose it and then crawl into the corner and start weeping uncontrollably. and then you suddenly come to your senses and remember you have packed a gun for moments like this and you begin searching through all your supplies and come across the tube for the radio. now for those of you who don't remember , radios had just started using transistors around 1960 , and chances are you may have an old fashioned tube type radio . when a tube went bad you just popped it out and ran to hardware and grabbed a new one. and suddenly you realize junior must have been playing with the tubes , you flash a mean look at him and he cringes and says there it is, as you take the back off the radio and plop the tube it in the empty socket and then close  the radio back up, and try the radio and it starts to play music, an old hank williams song called'your cheating heart 'and you realize in a flash of a moment their lives are special enough to last till tomorrow as another crisis is diverted. the radio stayed on for fifteen minutes and everyone was quiet and listened to civilization again, no news but it sure helps to have a diversion 
    also included in grandpas things is the geiger counter used to measure radiation . this was original government issue , and i can remember grandpa using it . been wanting to see if it powers up but needs batteries i don't think are available . and then the next thing is to go play with it. would like to see what the radiation readings or background is here and then take to our other farm and then into the woods to see if there are any significant pockets of radiation left where where the government sprayed radiation . how ironic that would be if i could actually use their own machine against them , almost 50 years later. well this is one half of pamphlet. 
      and be advised in 1960 everybody thought you were cool when you start hoarding things and digging holes in your basement to protect your family. now they just call you a lunatic. again this would not be a bad idea to have seeing some of the tornado destruction photos. if it was stocked and you had a small generator and an up flush toilet and shower , you might have something you could live in temporarily till your house is rebuilt. and if all house had similar structure built in them what better deterrent to an atomic bomb then to realize you enemy is still alive  and living in shelters.will try and wrap it up and will give you an email address to write to and i can transfer the file easier

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