Thursday, May 10, 2012

food for thought
        this is a pamphlet my grandpa received from the u.s. government after receiving a job with the u.s. forest service. apparently this was around the time of the cold war between u.s and russia and i wasn't in school yet . it was about this time i wrote earlier in a blog of mine of experiments the u,s government was doing beside my grandpas farm. i cant really say this was passed out to all families back then , but i know grandpa received his as part of his employment package. 

      technology was a gray area back then as it couldn't be defined but it sure was a nice area to lump everything you didn't know anything about. like how does a tv. work , oh its that new technolgy. computers really were not thought of and i remember seeing an abacus in a second grade classroom and wondered if i was going to get to play with it. i had already knew how to add and subtract and was really past an abacus before starting to school. radiation and fallout were also terms we were not familiar with. i remember the duck and cover drills in second grade but had no idea they could be tied to radiation. people just referred to it as new technology and rather than try to understand , just accepted that the idea was bigger than they were. the cuban missile crisis is somewhat paralleled with what we have going on in europe now. 

     fidel castro was going to ally himself with russia and install missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads to any part of north america from cuba. president  kennedy drew a line in the sand and forced an embargo on cuba that is literally still in effect today that limits cubas' ability to seek its own destiny. 

      now the united states and nato or the european alliance wants to establish a a row of missile batteries in romania i believe as an intercept of missiles from iran , russia is protesting as now the tables have turned and now the missiles are in their backyard. anyhow i thought you might need a good book to read when you are kissing your ass goodbye after a nuclear holocaust of epic proportions is going on. 

     i especially like the art work in this book as it leads you to believe in a light hearted way that everything will be all right as soon as your arm rots off and your teeth all fall out, then you can relax in your fallout shelter and run your hands through your hair and shake out the clumps. it will be all right. until you have to bury everyone else as no one is left to bury youand the buzzards would eat you  but the buzzards are to sick  to feed on  radiation poisoned carcasses that they lay down beside you and rot, in the heat. what a lovely mental picture i paint when talking about radiation.  this is part one and will try to do in the whole pamphlete in  three parts to assure that you have your own copy . allthough the information is old , it might work better than anything we have today. a nuclear explosion basically melts everything that is electrical in nature, we are more dependent on electronics now than when were were back then. print a copy out and just keep it for just in case. they did mention having a fallout shelter double as a storm cellar in case of tornados, that seems like a great idea . to be able to protect your family and have supplies in case of  disaster. hopefully we wont see no mushroom clouds in the distance, as in the picture above. i think if you did you might as well say your prayers quick before the air blast hits you. 

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