Friday, October 12, 2012

algonquin mill festival.

      the festival was off with the crackling of an announcers voice as he called attention to sing the star spangled banner which was sung by a student who gave a spirited rendition of it that was well sung. all stood in honor . the festival had begun and it was a fun day with lots of kids receiving a break from classes to attend the festival. a more than generous turnout of people attended yo sample the feel and smells of autumn. the trees colors were resplendent in their beauty.oranges and yellows with their leaves just softly blowing in the warm sunshine beckoning the onslaught of winter. as if to say come enjoy while you can.

     coal smoke a rarity where it was commonplace , hovers over the heads of spectators and lazily hung in the valley as the day wore on. the din of voices talking ebbed at its peak when the sun was overhead and bellys needed a packin. vendors in costume offered their wares of food and gifts to satisfy their desires. i enjoyed seeing the people there, as well  i believe there will be a an equipment show tomorrow as i saw numerous tractors being lined up. got to love the old iron.

    kevin and myself that is kevin thompson for all those of you who thought i just lost it. well it was kevin who invited me to come down and carve with him . it was a good time and it is nice to have someone help you pick something up sometimes. we only had one incident when the tent i was carving under blew upside down onto a bunch of spectators and no one was hurt. i had to throw down my chainsaw , as it was still running to attend to the people but in the end did nothing but get it off them. a minor inconvenience , but could have some scary implications. kind of gave me a superstar experience like the band sugarland at the indiana state fair. only a lot kess tragic.

    and once while working i looked up to see paramedics eyeing me closely. it worried me , as i didn't know if they knew something i should have . such as an impending injury. luckily they were just admiring the carvings. for the most part we had fun and that is always good. look forward to tomorrow. 

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