Saturday, October 6, 2012

to mars and back part-5
     so you ask yourself as to why i am rambling on about this subject. i am no expert and have no real credentials in supporting fields to make my observations real or credible. i am doing it because the subject fascinates me. tre thought of establishing life on another world in our lifetime would be a phenomenal end to my life. i have watched space flight from its infancy till now and i am always amazed at how far we have come and how far we can go in search of testing human ingenuity. 
     all i talk about when i ramble on is technology we have available to us today. a mars trip should be a walk in the park . sustaining life there is another story. but that is where humans excel . given a challenge we excel at assessing a problem and finding a solution in all areas. i could sit here and toss out names like dr. lawyer , etc. and this is what we need out of our first illegal aliens to the new planet .as well they must be cross trained in different areas so that  we need to cover all bases in the 8 people  we select for this mission. bear in mind they must be  ex cons and have a life sentence. 
     we need someone with psychology training , as well as have internal care experience. but each person selected will have to an appetite to learn and be prepared for any eventuality that they may encounter when on mars.with its  mars harsh environment . it will be necessary to either be in side a rover or  wear a spacesuit, or exist in a living module 24. 657 hours / day. the days on mars are similar to those on earth. but the years are longer. total confinement is necessary to survival and this is part of what would make a prisoner more advantageous to use than a regular person with freedom of being able to run around .these people are accustomed to living in controlled environments with a range of seedy characters as  life presents us with. they time hardened individuals. 
     it would be possible to be in a closed environment all of your hours, as you would gradually adjust to being inside after a period of adjustment. i think from what they are saying is that atmospheric pressure is substantially less than hours . more like standing on top of Everest and trying to breath without any oxygen. inside the colonies walls, plants could help unlock needed oxygen to sustain life . this is oxygen we would have to normally bring with us and will allow more room for supplies really needed. the food grown would help feed and would no longer require space on supply transports. 
     a strictly vegetarian diet supplemented by synthetic protein cultured in labs . so as we go along , notice how we would need a person familiar with nutrition . a chef or knowledge on how to make meals more palatable. someone familiar with recycling would take the colonies waste and combine it with mars soils and try to enhance the soil to make it more amendable to a variety of elements. thus in effect creating a growing medium which would replace needed equipment on mars to sustain ourselves. 
     healthy dialogue about the possibility of establishing life on mars in a colony is needed from a variety of sources here on earth , and not just the scientific world , but instead all individuals with a keen interest in making things work would be necessary to get the project moving. 
     not since president kennedy have we seen a movement in the space industry to establish a goal such as he did. his desire to put a man on the moon was premature, but the american people rose to the challenge . we need a purpose driven project like that now in our lives. the technology spawned by the moon mission was an added to stimulus as to why we need this in our lives. the crude technology of the apollo mission was enough to get the job done. we now have an orbiting space station , which has seen continuous use since established . and we are currently looking at private sector enterprises to replace our shuttle fleet. still i believe we need someone to step up and establish a goal for all of the human race to achieve. 
   a look at the dinosaurs will quickly show that no species of animal is immune to the effects of nature . we should all plan for the catastrophic effects of nature. a meteorite slamming into earth could in effect eliminate all life here on earth. a mega volcano could have similar effect of creating a dooms day scenario here on earth. but having life established on another planet would counteract those effects and could possibly extend human life into the future. we owe it to ourselves to take a chance and move quickly to avoid all our good work going down in flames so to speak. and to perpetuate humans into the future. 
     we have the technology and the resources to make it happen now. we just need a push in the right direction . we cant wait for the next big thing to happen to us. we cant stop the unseen doom that might await us. even if it is by our own hand that we create a disease or a bomb capable of wiping out all life on earth. we need a backup plan. some place we can go to or someone to carry on . i believe mars is the answer. if not it will better prepare us for the next big thing to come along.

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