Tuesday, October 2, 2012

politics have come home. 

    obama the bull has been on the run lately. in fact the last 2 days have been quite hectic as the cows and obama seem to be on a walk about. now here on the farm i get to worrying when the animals change their habits and no longer accept things as they are and want to change things, i have never had a problem of the magnitude that i have had in the last 2 days . i look for reasons as to why all of a sudden that my normally tame and mild mannered come when i call them cows have suddenly developed a wild streak. and have come to some conclusions. obama is pretty mild mannered and was born on election day . thus i called him obama . it had nothing to do with  his color but instead had to do with his leadership qualities. he was a strong runner and a survivor and was a born leader. to him i charge the leadership of the herd. he is solely responsible for their protection and longevity, times were tough but obama is still going strong. 
     in fact maybe to strong here lately. being outside all the time i assume he is bombarded with radio waves of the political nature . so many political ads on the airwaves  have encouraged him to run , like he has never done before. and he has. to test my theory i had to rule out other influential factors. 
      i noticed things were a stir last week and thought that due to drought the cattles pasture was getting short and decided to take the time to expand their pasture to specifically avoid a scenario of the cows getting out. a little of preventative medicine. it worked great till the first night when deer took out a portion of fence. this was after i had let the cows into new pasture area after building fence for a day. the deer not knowing to much about electric fence no doubt wondered into it and was shocked and panicked and ran through the fence. this usually happens a couple of times before they realize the fence is there and usually avoid it. 
     yesterday was quite an experience as a neighbor and a public employee notified us that our cows were out. as i was able to finally locate the cows and determine that they were in a neighbors yard eating peacefully after a neighbor headed the cows off from playing in the middle of a busy street. on my trip there i had seen evidence of their trail to this spot as it  was accentuated piles of green runny stuff shooting out of places unmentionable, this leaving of evidence was proof positive they were playing in the middle of the road and in peoples yards and neighbors corn field . this walkabout surely could have been avoided had obama stayed on the straight and narrow, he had ample hay , and grass as pics below will show a valley and a farm that despite the drought surely had plenty of grass.
      now what would make them feel that it is better on other side of rt. 800 still i think it is the fact he is a namesake , and that political wind spills ill over the hills and valles of ohio, leading up to the big election day and obamas fourth birthday

this is obama and his posse

 this is the field where the jailbreak occured and is now no longer pasture as i took the fence out and returned them to their original boundary and upped the voltage on my e-fence. 

this is the hay bales they had to walk past to get to end of lane to play in traffic. 

this is the area where there pasture was. 

and this is our farm located a half mile off the main road and apparently not far enough away i guess. 
and this is a picture of obama when he was born on 11-05-2008 and everyone was worried about his citizenship. they could a just asked me. 
   \     so with history like his , i was more than alarmed that his mild mannered self would suddenly transform into this marauding explorer . why the sudden change? and then i realized at first what was probably an eating experience as he came across the fence being down and ate his way out. finding himself on the other side of the fence and suddenly developing memory loss , he suddenly begins a quest with the other cows in tow,of evaluating the effects the drought had on neighboring farms sampling the wares of neighbors corn field. eating lush green grass of the neighbors yard . so well manicured and just pretty . then there was the life on the open road , much like our current president, heading here and there and in no apparent direction but to accomplish an end to a means. to get to the end of the race. 
    well like reality i came along and corralled him back to his washington, and begin the task of getting the job done. along with a little pep talk from me as he visited the site of his last departure.. first time i considered it a blip. the second time there seemed to be a pattern developing and required immediate action. i tore down my preventative medicine fence and removed all the weeds from the fence and i took my fence tester up to within 2 feet of my obamas face as he stood on the other side of fence from me and i told him. 
      'obama , you got choices', as i layed the tester on the fence and it lit up a bright blue and snapped and cracked as the fencer pulsed. and i looked him straight in the eye as he recognized that familiar snap crackle pop and flinched backward. i said to him 'come up here and put your nose on the fence and test it for me' . i noticed a little shake in his head, and then i told him,' if you dont want another wrinkle in your pecker , you had better stay on your side of the fence.' and then i pointed to the livestock trailer and reminded him of how it is always on the ready to transport him and his brood to the auction house where thy are paying dollar eighty a pound for beef just like him. the neighbors were already talking about filling their freezers and think i had been holding out on them. i told him i would give him a ride next time he wanted to go for walk on the road. that was totally unacceptable. 
     now i can only describe how purely lunatic i am to think he understand a word of what i said. guess it must be the politician in him and when you look down on the road and see that pile you know it is. 

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