Friday, May 10, 2013

a long haul down an uncertain path

         as winter suddenly becomes summer and we experience drier than average conditions as this will  signal the beginning of more modified weather. we need our rain to maintain our springs and the wildlife that depends on small streams prone to drying up as well as springs. this in turn forces more wildlife  into new feeding areas around a suitable water source. the increased population then creates  more competition for areas already populated with their own kind or a predator . 
        increasing all exposed land we now commercialize including pasture land and existing parks and trying to increase the organic content of all soils modified from their original condition by at least 3 x , on all future excavations or cultivation's. this will result in a greater  retention of water on the whole in our ground. the water will be retained in the organic material and will be released slowly. organic materials tend to be darker and will absorb heat more quickly warming soils to assist in planting. 
     this water will also permeate to lower depths increasing the water flow in our springs .streams and rivers. also by increasing the organic matter in the soils we will see less drought affected plants. and at same time we are sequestering  carbon. not all bad,  plants thrive in organic soils and yield better resulting in a win win situation.though not economically feasible as of yet. or at least we don't think so. reversing the effects of greenhouse gases tends to be economically based allowing power companies and other major sources of greenhouse gases more time to make modifications to their existing array of outdated equipment. yet we all pay the price irregardless of where we are from. or if we even have access to electricity. we all share the same planet and like it or not we have to go on. that is mankind has to . so we need to set aside the profits and make a substantial effort to prevent global warming. i borrowed  this poster as it illustrates in simple form how dangerous us humans can be. 

        blossoms are springing forth with or with out rain as the plants  need to get on with their job and try to undo some of the harm we as humans have done to our environment. to propagate , multiply and move on as this earth is never ending as it should be.  

        of course while i was babbling on about global warming babe sat patiently waiting on me to catch up. she has added on about good 20 lbs of fur that  she promises to shed in the house all summer long. by winter she will be slim again and i will be still be cleaning up the mess from this last winter . she is ever so patient of me and at times i don't fully appreciate what she gives me.  i need to make a mental note to spend more time with my best friend and not take her for granted. 

           i have changed the style of writing to italics as i find it more aesthetically pleasing. or i just like it better. sorry still not into capitalization. 

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