Monday, May 13, 2013

going green and what does it mean? 

        it is nearly impossible to go anywhere or do anything in your life at our present time without being dependent to some extent on non renewable resources like coal and oil. they are at the backbone of our economy, fueling the trucks that bring you food from the fields of mexico to the grocer up the street. mechanical harvesters serve up dinner while consuming diesel fuel in their engines to keep them running. electricity to man the water pumps to cleanse your food of herbicides and pesticides designed to provide you with cleaner bug free vegetables are all based on petrochemicals produced in energy consuming chemical plants.and we do this just to eat , let alone what we use to heat our homes drive our kids to soccer, or to take that long soaking warm bath to ease away the wolds pain. 
       we have reached a new milestone in co2 emissions and it is said that the earth has never experienced a similar event for at least 250000 years. thats a long time and even though  republicans tend to believe we can go on indefinitely utilizing our fossil fuel resources , it makes one wonder what the implications of burning so much fossil fuel is doing to our planet . no resource is inexhaustible and even our sun has a limit on how much it can take before the lights go out. it too can perish as it has set limits on how much fuel is available. best estimates is that it should last another million years or so. we have a lot less fossil fuels than that , which are becoming increasingly more costly to extract and polluting millions of gallons of freshwater to extract these resources or devastating huge swaths of co2 dependant plants to achieve their goals of making us dependent on industry to provide us with our basic needs. it is like the dog chasing his tail, we will never be free of fossil fuels until the profit is drove out of the business, greed will always make that muscle car and monster truck fascinating to some. they are a reflection of what we have become as a race. that is the human race. 
      set aside our consumer mind and look at what it is doing to our environment and realize that humans are the only animal that pays to exist on earth. some people live on pennies a day and some for a lot more, and this has cost us as we enjoy the creature comforts of electricity, running water, and heat to the extent, we have as a human race altered our environment here on earth. we are moving into a gray area where we are melting our ice caps and raising our sea levels , and affecting the habitat of thousands of animals as they seek to adjust to our race. yet we can not take care of own , let alone the animals of the world and still we go on plundering our resources and  feeling the pulse of our planet reacting to environmental disaster after another , rather than preventing it.
      and how do we prevent environmental disasters such as global warming? by taking action and being aware even on a small scale , just how much we do waste of our resources to date. sitting in the mc donalds drive thru line waiting to purchase i thought as nice as this is , it could be better as they could take your order and then let you proceed to the parking lot and wait for your order to be ready , and allow you to turn off your vehicle for even 5 minutes and considering all the mc donalds in the nation and the world with a \drive thru business being a major part of their business this could result in saving a lot of fossil fuel. simple things as they are make a difference. whether it is feasible , doubt it as to many consumers whine about sitting and waiting and doubt they would turn off their vehicle but it is an option as we have many other options as long as we act on retrospect,  in some ways sonic is already doing this and we have done it before with the old root beer stands and the car hops. they used to bring the food to your car as you would wait and listen to the music. 
       solar panels where you can , planning your trips and multi - tasking as much as possible reduces energy dependence  but as an individual it is going to be hard to impact the price of fossil fuels or reduce the acreage of trees to be devastated for coal production, but as a race , the human race, we begin to act as one. as each individual's mindset turns to energy saving and we begin to turn the tide of consumerism in favor of energy independence and when we  take the profit out of energy production  will we see a better environment. greed is based on supply and demand , and the greedy in our society would turn to other vices to satisfy their desire to control. if we were all for energy dependence and clean living then it will probably result in someone taking over our food supply. greedy people and corporations like you to be dependent on them and could care less about our environment as long as profit is king. our goal should be to make corporations be at our bidding and not theirs. 
        we need to start recycling and we need to become more aware of our resources and how fragile something as simple as the air we breathe can be affected by our use of creature comforts we need or think we need to exist.  you are an advocate if you have read what i wrote thus  far. and you need to do more , read more. don't just take my word for anything . there are a lot of people preaching the same thing and for good reason. read, be active. and plant a tree for  this world of ours, and  our other animals we share it with.
           get your trees at my new greenhouse or buy from someone else or grow your own . will show you how. maybe you might be better at it than i am. anyhow my crew made significant progress yesterday as i finalize the look inside the greenhouse for saturday's grand opening. 

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