Thursday, December 19, 2013

here i go again , more of the same?

Are Ohioans Anal by Nature?

      Continuing in my sarcastic remarks  about Ohioan’s and our apparent obsession with the subject , I seek to discover just what it is that blinds us so much to the obvious that we hold dear to ourselves our right to stand behind something we know is obviously wrong by all means. And just what am I referring to and that is the corn hole game .
     Reminded of the true meaning of this word corn hole and what lead me to the conclusions I am about to impress upon you and hope that soon we get our heads out of our past and present  a new beginning of denial.  I reflect back to some off my earliest teachings from my siblings and my dad and remember this little ditty they seemed to relish so dearly in their minds  and I will try my best to post it as best I remember:
             If I had the wings of an eagle and
             And the balls of an ugly baboon ,
            Then I would fly to the top of Mt. Everest.
            And corn hole the man in the moon.
      This tune surely pre-dated any corn hole game and must have been popular among males, as surely my family repeated it several times and for some strange reason like the song ‘Lollipop’ , it suddenly pops out of your brain and you wonder just where the hell you had that hid . And for what reason would it resurface today. The reason it is here today and the reason for the blog featuring anuses while not trying to make one of myself is to logically explain how wrong on some levels is this game of corn hole and totally blind we are to its real meaning .
    Hopefully you have not went out and purchased your game of corn hole for Christmas and conveniently placed it under your tree, but if you did, and if the package is not opened perhaps you can take it back maybe citing skid marks as a reason for return. First wait till I explain myself .
    I have 2 Wikipedia references for you to pursue on your own and see what the website has to offer in terms of an explanation of corn hole with the same spelling. I use Wikipedia quite often and it does give a liberal view of what a subject is bout. So the first has to do with the use of corn hole as a game. This at some point will say that it originated in Ohio . Anyhow you can read the link and understand this to be true to their best ability.
    The second definition comes from the same source and offers a completely dark definition of corn holing as it refers to the use of corn cobs and reaming the hole after defecating. I am not making this stuff up folks. Read for yourself :
        I have noticed that although one of these sites is Wikipedia and the other or latter is Wiktionary. Meaning I guess the real definition.
      The similarities of the game to anal penetration are eerily similar as you toss your bag at the rim of a hole . Come on folks don’t you see the obvious correlation between the two. Could imagine the laughs when a guy near misses and he says,” wow could have got that in there if they had a little hair on it!”
    If this game isn’t played at a church nearby you then I couldn’t imagine why. This is about a dirty old man game thinking as I have ever seen. And I am proud to say that I never bought into it and tried to save my friends from playing it and perpetuating the myth.
     It seems as if they had in mind of indoctrinating young kids who love the game with the idea that corn holing is good. I am not advocating one way or another but at same time doubt that if I had kids I would want them to play the game thinking it is ok. Let’s wake up here and rename it if you like it, but anything besides corn holing.
     Our kids are subjected to sexual innuendos all the time thinking this is the normal way of life.

    I know again I have stepped into a grey area better left unsaid , but with the bad rap Ohioan’s have been getting lately for our obsession with f- words , maybe this is really something we had better leave alone and not claim honors of being the first to invent. Corn holing has been around for centuries and is nothing I want to be associated with. The only reason I chose to speak out against now is how incredulously ignorant we have become with our anus colored glasses on. Not really seeing the game for what it signifies. I feel it is time to get our heads out of our proverbial asses and speak out against the game and find the perpetuators of this ruse and expose them for what they are. Michigan fans. 

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