Sunday, December 15, 2013

what the f--- are they talking about?

Ohio Potty Mouth capital of the World?

Ohioans with F-bomb guards in place

       Or the least likely place to pull some crap without someone voicing their opinion. Well to say the least I am mad as hell they are picking on the buckeye state again. Now we have dual titles according to an article posted in National Public Radio regarding our lack of regard to the English language. That the f-bombs drool out of our face and onto the world in a haphazard manner. This is not totally true. Also they mention about how we are the landfill capital of the world. And even though I sit now in the growing mountainous shadows of two of the biggest in the state I tend to think of those in other terms also.
     Apparently the utility companies have been keeping good records but promoting lousy service and Ohioans have been more than free with the lip as we wait for service that never comes. is it our fault that someone in India has a hard time answering our calls while Ohioans stand in the cold waiting for our industrial jobs to come back home to us. Not to mention the numerous telephone jobs that were sent over seas . Kind of frustrates a person when you try to talk to a foreigner while calling America online for service.
    You will need to read their article in facebook leads to see just what the f--- they had to say about us. Here is the link:
    I like to think of Ohioans as the least likely spot to pull a bunch of shit they try feeding the rest of the world.  Crimineze , see there I was just trying to clean up my act, by choosing a more appropriate word  and now the dictionary doesn’t even recognize that slang in Ohio and asked for a spell correction. Knowing that surely it could not have come from someone born here as it is totally inappropriate for us, as if my word program has spell correction tied to the gps coordinates of my puter.  If you have a product send it to Ohio for field testing and we will surely let your service department know what is wrong with it and what you can do with it in short order after you give us back our money. So what is wrong with that?
     I mean you East Coast states have been sending us your trash knowing full well that we would take it. We know what trash is and we like to see it in the dump trucks heading into our landfills, heck it keeps half my family employed quite nicely. But when you give us trashy service and expect us to pay for it, how can you expect any less from us but a chance to ease our frustration as we see fit. Trash talking is something we know well, so that when someone is trying to feed us a line of crap about how great their product is, we have the expertise to put them in their place.
     And to me it seems much easier to do what you say and provide us with good service so our calls would not have been necessary in the first place. Let alone the residual f-bombs directly associated with your frail sense of humor. We are a proud bunch that has to save their money to beat off the cold winters and grey days. Getting poor service is no excuse for expecting civility here in the heartland of America.
     Now then to address the second part of the article alluding to us being the landfill capital of the world. Yes we are displeased with our politicians and their ability to stuff their pockets while letting the landfill company’s lawyers write the legislation that allows out of state garbage to come here and spoil our natural resources. We are not happy with it at all , but then again half my family is employed by these same landfills.
     What I am unhappy about is that we are not charging you out of state people more for dumping on us. Maybe if you had to live in the shadows of dual Mt. Trashmores you may appreciate our sense of humor more, or lack of it as the case may be. Besides when throwing adjectives out to describe a certain place you reveal a little about yourself in the process. Left to your own devices you would soon flounder in a sea of garbage as you never know when to quit producing it. In an effort to prop up your profits you devise ways to keep people from stealing your shitty products and encase a dollar item in a theft proof piece of plastic that wallows in our landfill for years. You do this without any hesitation or worry because we are so eager to accept your trash here, or at least our politicians are. Your efforts at reclaiming amount to throwing it in the trash to let some other person pick through it separate those things you deem unworthy but are in reality recyclable. The rest of what is left is sent to Ohio and our landfills.

     I see them as a potential energy source in the future as we will once again be visiting and tearing apart our landfills to utilize the rest of what is left there as we deplete our natural resources in the future.  We will burn in incinerators the refuse the east coast has so conveniently provided us with, and then the fumes from our garbage plants will waft upstream and blanket the East Coast , giving them back the same they sent us.  And when you raise your arms up in uproar we will merely tell you to go f---  yourself. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow !!! You should have been a lawyer!