Monday, December 16, 2013

why cant things be simple again?

The Aftermath of Yesterday’s Blog

     After posting my blog yesterday and as if on cue I suddenly run out of data on my data plan with T-Mobile. Coincidence, quite likely, but still I am not sure. I couldn’t go nowhere and on the 11th of Dec. I had bought a 5 gig package that was supposed to take effect as soon as my last package ran out. It didn’t start and I couldn’t go nowhere on the web.
       Already feeling the pangs of frustration I search for my address book and dreaded climbing on the rollercoaster of automated phone answering messages that are designed to prevent me from harassing a live customer service representative. Lord forbid I go straight to the source. Scrolling through my options I fail to hear, you have already paid for your service and I am sorry for the interruption.  Instead I am left with no option but to go straight to technical support. After entering my password and verifying who I am and my account information , the live lady on the end of the phone informs me I have used up all my data , 5 gigs of it, and that I actually had went over . I informed her that I just bought it on the 11 th and that there was no way I could have used that quick.
    At this point she proceeds to inform me on how to use my mi-fi and that I need to turn it off when finished and that other people may be using it as well as programs like Apple downloading will use quite a bit of data in a short time. . I inform her I live in the middle of nowhere and if they are close enough to tie in to my puter and steal signal then they’re trespassing
     I asked her at this point. But 5 gigs in five days, come on. My puter, if left on constantly and down loading all of Apples content would never be able to achieve that kind of down load capability. And besides in the last week before this I had to get technical support to see what was wrong with my download connection because I wasn’t receiving anything. And now I am receiving too much. You mean you fixed it that well. I highly doubt it. Again I asked her to check and see if I still had data available to me , and she said I didn’t and went back to the spiel about turning off my puter and down load connection when finished surfing on the net. At this point she was treating me somewhat like I was some kind of a pervert and that I was constantly streaming porn and that was the reason I had no internet service.
   At this point I am thirty minutes into the call and still no success but a verbal ripping of my anus as she tears me a new asshole about my web usage. After all if I didn’t use it by a certain time then I would lose it so what are my options. Besides if I don’t use it she has no job.  Being from Ohio and being accused of dropping f- bombs all the time I did my best and said forget it , you are not listening to me , I have already paid, but will pay again as I am becoming increasingly frustrated with you as I try to restore my service . Please re-up me so I can get back online and check my usage and see if it is true that I used that much in the last few days. She checks my account and says that I have to add more money to my account in order to buy a new pass. I said ok and she says she will transfer me to another department to achieve this less than miracle.
   I dread being rolled over into a new department and recanting my story again. But alas I am given time as I hear the automated message come across the phone and say all our operators are busy and your call will be answered in the order it came in. if that was the case I should go to the head of the line but no I start all over again listening to some irritating music drone over my phone in a continuous loop until I can’t stand it no more. I place it on speaker go get a cup of coffee which I really didn’t need and checked the time. At this point I am 45 minutes waiting and still no service. Finally I hear through the speaker the welcoming click of someone finally answering the phone. I hurry and take off speaker as they say we must have bad connection. I really don’t want to lose this person at this point and assure them that I can hear them quite well and that it must be their phone.
     Again I go through the whole spiel about how I should have data left and that I can’t surf or do anything as T-Mobile has my puter locked into their screen and it isn’t letting me do anything. I mention that I should have a data package that was supposed to take effect as soon as the last one was completed. And that I am unable to do anything with my puter in regards to using the web. He tells me that I still have data left and that I need to use it before I can get another data package in fact I have .19 mb of data. In my mind I quickly surmise that may be enough to go to Facebook and write f---  T- mobile, they suck. And quickly toss the idea out of my head. He tells me he can’t re-up me until I use all my data. Again I tell him I can’t do anything, so he has to pass me on to his supervisor and again I am on hold at this point I am 50 minutes and still no service. And again a more annoying loop of music designed to further drive the demons in my head to a frenzy.
     At last as I sit patiently beside my cell phone wondering if the battery was going to hold up and that my call was not going to be dropped , and how many words start with f and end with k will I use if this kind person is not able to help me. Finally she comes on and again I recant my story again as if I am being grilled by the FBI about some major crime I committed and in essence all I am trying to do is get my service back on.
      Again I receive instructions on mi-fi usage and that I should try and curb my activity on the internet to make sure that this never happens again. At this point I wonder if I woke her up and she was just pissed at me for taking up her precious time. I said, do what you have to do to get my service back on, I am getting pretty tired of this as I am now an hour and 10 minutes into a call that should never have happened in the first place, she has none of my debit card information available so I have to run through my house and find my wallet and leave the phone hoping she doesn’t hang up on me while I dig through my wallet and find my card. We go through the whole process and finally I am able to make a payment and then she says she can reset my data but she can’t re-up me for a data package as I need to go back to customer service and get my data package.
     In the old days you used to pay for something and just get it. The old hardware man would slide it across the counter and you may even get a joke or two he heard from other satisfied customers. Now a day it is all quite different. The runaround is designed to infuriate you to the max. As if they know there is some Ohioan out there, that is at his tipping point and that maybe with a little nudge he will go off with the f-bombs and you can quickly hang up the receiver and rather than listen to him rant.
    Again with the annoying music and for stimulation they added ‘That due to heavy call volume your wait will be extended and if you want that you could call back later when they aren’t so busy.’ Wow, do they really think I am going to lose my place in line and go through all this again. I am reminded at this point of my first haircut and how the barber had no ears. It scared the hell out of me because I thought he practiced on himself when in reality he had no ears because he was in a fire in their house when he was a kid, and it burned his ears off. I imagined I looked like he did at this point, as I am sure my ears were melted to the side of my head as I waited for another voice to come back on. At an hour and twenty minutes finally I hear another voice on the phone and again I tell my story and the history of what I have been through thus far and I am feeling proud of myself as I am getting quite good at retelling it. She assures me that with the payment that my new data package will be in place and everything will be up and working in a few minutes. Then it is snag time again. As suddenly a five gig package, supposedly a complimentary was given to me and that the 2.5 gig package I had just bought would be wasted if I purchased another package now.
     Just when you think you have seen the light they blind you. Apparently I had to use the 5 gig package now and save the 2.5 for later. Confused, well so was I and so I agreed to use their so called 5. 0 gig complimentary  package and then I could hold my 2.5 gig in reserve , until she told me of the snag involved which amounted to an approval that may take anywhere from 2 -24 hrs. to approve.          
      Wow,again. At this point I choose to not drag myself any further through their muck and mire and to just let it go through and see if everything will go as they say. Besides they have already shown how helpless you are after all I spent an hour and a half of my life on the phone trying to get something I already should have anyhow. I mean I doubt if any business will give anything away if they don’t think you already have a right to it. Their complimentary package was probably them realizing I had already paid for service and that it was lying in wait. In fact when I returned to the computer to check I saw that the 5.0 gig package I had bought on the 11th was now active. So it wasn’t really complimentary and that for the last hour and a half I spent trying to get what I had already paid for was a mistake they conveniently hid behind a complimentary package.
     My head was reeling and my ear was flat, my phone battery was on its last leg and finally I was able to hang up and the customer service rep I last talked to promised to call me today to make sure that I received my data package. That never happened. But through it all, I mentioned frigging once but avoided the four letter version.
     Now in conclusion if you are confused and dazed, then you must know what it is like for me and a bunch of other Ohioans to go through this for most everything you have to purchase over the phone. The voices in my head come from the monotonous bleating of the call waiting music. Undoubtedly much better than Virgin mobile as theirs is a cross between aggravating and just downright slam the phone down to avoid ear piecing cries of help from some lost poor singer who was probably the son of an executive there at Virgin.
     It would be different if this was a once in a lifetime event but it seems as if it is monthly or at least every time you need service from these folks. Why can’t you just pay and get service. Or if you already have paid and have it in reserve then get what you paid for. Simpler is better. No wonder the phone companies want to shift their customer service overseas as it costs too much to do it here in the U.S. Four customer service reps and an hour and a half to get what I had already paid for. F--- T-Mobile.

     As an after note and before I finished editing of this the customer rep who said she was going to call back and make sure I had service finally returned the call an hour and a half after she was supposed to. Again I could feel the tension begin to rise as I talked to her but still avoided using the f- word directly on her. And I just love it when they tell you to have a good day after all that. 

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