Sunday, April 6, 2014

keeping on, keeping on

Muddling Along

          I was sitting here and suddenly after reviewing a bunch of different things and just weighing all the information I just absorbed. Things such as garden entrances , starting seedlings , art pics, as well as animal pics, throw in a couple of geological features of this old planet I would like to visit , and suddenly I was overwhelmed with the idea that I may never live long enough to get it all done. I don’t think any of us no matter what; ever get to finish this life having done all they ever wanted to do. Getting old and having a disability will jump in your way and severely limit what you could have done. Other factors such as defeat or where you figure ‘what’s the use, it will never happen’, and then it usually doesn’t. Having a, ‘I can’t do that’, attitude will no doubt limit your ability as well as I don’t know how to do that. Failing to challenge ourselves will severely limit our ability to be all we can be.
        Well suppose you had a good attitude and were a fairly well rounded person, who had a variety of interests and was a kind of a Mc Gyver kind of person, jack of all trades, master of none. Then all you would need to be is rich. Doing and being all that you want to be is very costly , I mean suppose you wanted to be a fighter pilot , and you need a jet , specifically a fighter jet and suppose you just couldn’t get into the air force , and you just have to do this one thing. It is going to take some money to buy one, so money is a very important part of being all you can be. It takes money to do just about anything. When is the last time you have went a single day without spending anything. To eat you spend, to take a shower costs you money. The roof over your head, everything costs. Even writing costs me money. Living without doing anything is costly let alone wanting to do something, money is important.
      Wow this is getting a little more complicated as we go along. Privilege is something you need to be to get access to all those neat things you will never be able to see. Like an underground missile silo. Or the inside of an aircraft carrier, or to be able to go into the torch of the Statue of Liberty and stand at the top of the arm and look at Paris in the distance , and say wow what a world. Imagine someone has the right to do that. Let it be me for once. I can’t and I accept it as I don’t have the privilege to do that. So privilege allows you to get in those places.
       Somewhere you have to see something or have some other stimuli to encourage your search for all you want to be. If you don’t know anything you may be content to sit around watch TV. Fart in your shorts, eat beans and weenies and drink Pepsi straight out of a liter bottle. Not really caring about much except paying the rent and electricity, and just getting by. You have to have a reason to get up off the couch and see the world before you ever will. Maybe a partner someone to enjoy all your new adventures with and preferably someone you are physically attracted to and then you have kids and life goes seriously awry . Kids and your new significant other needs things lots of them, and the reason you found that other person is thrown out of the window as you now have responsibilities.

      Finally you come to something else you need a lot of and that is time. Time to raise the kids and divorce your original love of your life and trade her or him in on a late model or used version with their own baggage, time to get yourself back in shape mentally and physically as they say getting old isn’t for wimps. You now eliminate all those things in your life you wanted to do, that requires you to reevaluate as they are now age sensitive. Climbing Mt. Everest at 58 isn’t the same as it was when I was 18 as if I was going to do that. So that one may be scratched off my list as it is just out of the question. Besides looking at the pics, it looks like Everest is a dump because of all the idiots climbing it, and not taking back what they brought, including the bodies. I will look at the pics, and take their word for it. So time is something that if you live long enough you can accomplish anything as long as you are not too old , have privilege as well as know and understand (Alzheimer’s) , have the money , and the drive and desire to do something your new mate wants you to do. Maybe then you will be able to achieve all you wanted to do in your life.
     Defeatism is probably as bad as realism when you look at all it takes to do all you ever wanted to do in your lifetime. Doubt if anyone would ever get there to that point. To do half would be nice and to be able to do anything at all is always good, as there are old people with perfectly bright minds that would love a do over. I guess in the end you do all you can do and make plans for tomorrow , at least you will always have a positive attitude knowing you have something to look forward to. Lately I have intentions of swallowing up my own little world here on the farm, and just keep on, keeping on and start worrying about the next blog. I don’t think I have said all I can say or would want to say, and because it keeps me going.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's all about priorities my friend