Thursday, June 4, 2015

have a good one! enjoy.

What’s in a Summer Breeze?

    Wings of bee, the dance of a butterfly, the aroma of dew on multitudes of blooms so colorful it blinds you into thinking you are in a Monet dreamscape, and all you have around you is a translucent beauty. Greens as you have never seen them, with  shades so plenty so that even  under the bright light of an overhead sun, it still makes you want to find a shady spot to soothe your soul and enjoy the splendor of nature’s light display in a reflected manner of a special season.  
     It always seems as if one remembers past summers and events outside with families and friends, enjoying a picnic , sitting along a riverbank watching your dad fish, possibly enjoying a swim  and a light kiss from  your sweetheart in an inner tube  floating down a river lazily. You can easily recall summer moments of that trip you took with your parents to the state fair where you slept under the stars in an open field or in the front seat of the 65 Chevy Impala 9 passenger school bus with rear facing seat, that allowed the passengers in the back rear facing seat to experience a rear end crash, up close and personal. To watch the dust roll over the hood and into the back of the car as we headed down dirt roads engulfing and covering all, to windows were rolled up in the stifling heat. .
     Who wants to remember cold damp winter days heading to the funeral home to put Uncle Roy away? We all knew his fight with the bottle would end up something like this. We just never imagined he would choke on his bottle sitting on the toilet. Shame no one found him for several days. No one wants to remember this, or how it took ten men to carry his coffin down the hillside in the pouring rain and sleet over frozen grass. How Uncle John nearly slipped and held on to the casket, falling under and nearly dragging the rest down. It is always so much easier remembering the fun warm things that make you fuzzy with emotions as opposed to the hurtful memories of life better off forgotten.
     And yet most days fall between as you go on about life with your daily routine. Climbing out of bed when the alarm clock goes off, grabbing some slippers and surveying the landscape to make sure Fido didn’t leave any landmines. Grabbing some coffee, and now firing up the puter to start the day as you share your first posting to Facebook. The day begins as you set about your tasks you have set for yourself, whether it is running to the store, or down the road for the health of it, until finally you exhaust yourself and settle in for an evening reminiscing or fretting over the day events, eventually succumbing to the night as you chalk up another one.

    Still something in the summer stirs your senses, be it the warmth and relaxing in the shade , the aromas and smells of blossoms wafting through the air , that brings back those pleasant memories of old, and shuffles the cold dirty thoughts to another part of your brain. How one could live in a place where it is one season all the time is beyond me. As hard as it is to be where we are, especially in the wintertime, it still blesses us in the summertime, making up and then giving us more until we begin to long for the cold of winter again. This is what it is to be a four season’s person. It is a struggle in your soul to never be satisfied with status quo. If we have perfect we always want and deserve more as it takes a special breed to be where we are, and enjoy our life so much. To embrace the day no matter how miserable or beautiful it is. We are part of nature.

     We too , are part of that summer breeze. As we enjoy what life has to offer and give validity to it all by being there to embrace. 

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