Monday, August 17, 2015


Response to Comment

    Yesterday I received a comment regarding my treatment or lack of treatment of my animals . I believe the commenter needs a response because for sure they are understandably agitated by my decisions to have and care for a cat. The commenter said :
Anonymous said...
I sure hope your going to be a responsible pet owner and get those kittens fixed.Nothing pisses me off more than a so called farmer that has cats running around fighting, breeding,and spreading disease. It's very sad.
I take offense to so called in the first place, being a fourth generation farmer and having grown up on a farm and at times milking cows and spraying milk into the mouths of our cats as a youth, to living and working on different farms where cats have always been around, and the fact that I have forgotten more about farming than this person has ever done in his/ or her life. I believe I deserve a little more respect than being referred to as so called .
      Nothing pisses me off more than someone who can’t wait for the rest of the story to come out or who has evidence that I in fact am responsible for the negligence I am accused of. I do in fact have Lily right now at a veterinary clinic in Minerva being spayed. When I brought Lily home I wasn’t prepared to have her spayed but nature being what it was , soon she was in heat and then pregnant. Don’t know about you but for me it is hard to have a cat spayed when I know she is pregnant. She had the kittens and I have faithfully been there to help her through the delivery of the first one and subsequent delivery of all six, and have helped provide clean beds and have fed the kittens 3-4 x daily since they have been eating on their own. They have never wanted for food, and although they have pushed me to my limits at times, I find them to be a source of great amusement at others.
     Regardless of who you are my cats will grow and each will be spayed or neutered as the case may be until all six are fixed. I thought about adopting them out but didn’t want to take the chance that someone would get them and end up a fertile stray somewhere. I will take care of the sterilization of them prior to adopting any out.

     Besides being good company, I also expect my cats will keep field mice and rats at bay. I am tired of chipmunks. Field mice coming into my house, and I have seen rats in the barns before having the cats around. They were taking over, and finding mouse feces in my drawers is more than I can take. So it is a choice, have cats or deal with mice and other small vermin. Personally I would rather have cats around. Lily is a good hunter and tries to provide, now more for sport than necessity. I think she understands I will provide for her. Hopefully she will teach her young when the opportunity arises. If I have to keep all six plus lily till they die, it is of no consequence to anyone else but me and is my problem. Well-meaning individuals who feel it is there moral duty to admonish me can basically shove it up their ass, because they have no idea about me or what I have in mind besides what I share on my blog. It is all a work in progress much like my life. I care about all animals and not just cats. And maybe I am a so called farmer only to the extent I do care about animals and don’t eat them or abuse them, I feed, care, and respect and enjoy their company, all of them but at the same time let nature do its thing in the process of natural selection. Now humans are a different story. 

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