Monday, September 7, 2015



      Well he probably can and it wouldn’t be so hard a job , just pick up where the Democrats left off and repeal all of those changes made during the last Bush administration when we were looking for WMD’s and fighting the axis of evil.
      Donald wants to go off on a tangent every time there is a new headline about this or that, signaling a sign of what is wrong with America. Today it is immigration, tomorrow it is how Obama has started a war against police officers in this country.  I could just imagine Donald waking up in the morning and scouring the papers looking for something to blame the Democrats for. In fact when it comes to police officer deaths there are fewer deaths attributed to President Obama than to former president George Bush Jr. in the same 8 years of office, although president Obama’s term isn’t up yet, he still has quite a few less.
     Donald’s response to police killings was that it was the present administrations fault as a result of the stance President Obama took supporting the shooting of unarmed black citizens with president Obama supporting the citizens who have lost their lives to overzealous police tactics and targeting young blacks in cases of racial profiling. 
    Mr. Trump would like you to believe it is the fact that Obama is black and is standing up for the black population because of his race. But then again it was Trump that in the previous two elections called on Obama to prove his citizenship, thinking he was a Muslim from Africa, when in fact he was a citizen of the United States as proven by his birth certificate.  
      Then Mr. Trump who would like you to believe that his family had been here from the time Indians roamed this land and that he grew up trading trinkets in a teepee till he made enough money to build his first high rise in Manhattan.
      In fact it was his father that gave him a start in real estate and basically he was a silver spoon baby coddled and groomed for business in silver spoon universities till his dad gave him a break. As far as a service record goes, he was deferred because of a medical condition, but claimed he drew a high selective service entry date, keeping him out of the Vietnam War. At no time did he ever seek out the service as an option to enlist and fight in the war, and has no real war record or right to say anything about war related matters of service personnel.
      In my eyes I have a problem with his avoiding service when at the time the United States was engulfed in the Vietnam conflict that required other able bodied citizens to enlist and serve yet Donald managed to escape the draft and service with a deferment when he was able to work on his first project revitalizing apartments in Cincinnati, Ohio during the Vietnam years basically landscaping and making architectural improvements on the site according to Wikipedia. I would like to know the extent to which Donald performed manual labor despite having a deferment which prevented him from active military. Sounds more like another silver spoon baby with a doctor in his back pocket helping Donald evade military service. Although I never spent time in the service, the Vietnam War and the draft ended in the years before I graduated, yet I contemplated what i would do if faced with the same coincidence and was prepared to do what I had to, and enlist if necessary. Fortunately I had a legal out and military service was out of favorer among a lot of my peers at the time.
      He said to a group of reporters that his grandparents from Germany would flip over in their grave if they knew all about these problems we are having with immigration. I have a problem with the statement itself. Knowing his grandparents were German immigrants yet wanting to ship all illegal immigrants back to where they came from. In fact his mother was from Scotland and two of his wives were foreigners also. This just shows the insensitivity Donald expresses towards those he wants in his life and those he doesn’t. In fact Donald has a history of racism, having been sued time after time in court about his real-estate dealings and his feelings towards Blacks and Latinos.
      Also he has never held a public office in his life yet has been sued repeatedly for not following proper procedure in obtaining permits to build, or on proper procedures of how to do business with racial equality in the United States. He thumbs his nose at bankruptcy seeing it as a leverage tool, feeling no remorse about backing out on original deals, favoring the process of bankruptcy when it favors his business dealings. Choosing to stand behind the court and let judges decide how to justify his screwing people out of millions of dollars that in effect have helped him achieve his 3.8 billion dollars he has now.
     In fact Donald is no stranger to a courtroom or at least his lawyers aren’t. Whenever Donald feels threatened or attacked for his rash dealing with people, Donald runs to a courtroom seeking protection from the courts burgeoning an already exploited means of those with wealth and taking from those that don’t, compensation to fill their already full pockets, and heal their ego in a way that only those with wealth would understand simply giving the excuse,” It’s the principle of the thing”.
      With all his negative experience in dealing with minorities , and hiding behind the cloaks of judges , his pompous flamboyant ego driven rants , and basic know it all attitude yet cowardice when it comes to military service, I have to ask , is this the man we want for president.  The facts as I have presented stand for themselves.  For your own satisfaction do your own research and see that what I say is true and that his character is that which we shouldn’t be allowing as a candidate for presidency. If you think President Obama was bad then this guy is ten times worse.  In fact I would rather see George bush Jr. back in office compared to this ranting lunatic who uses yesterday’s headlines for today’s rants.

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