Friday, September 18, 2015

rhettoric -definition: the art of effectively and persuasively using language to accomplish a means.

Politics and Farming

 how politicians see us

      Well when I was rid of the cattle I figured my days of shoveling bull was over, but again every four years there comes along a presidential election and soon the rhetoric and turd slinging begins anew. The stink is never as bad as it ever gets when politicians in waders, (ever wonder why you hardly ever see a full body picture of a politician unless he is on a podium, up on a podium it will take longer for his speech to rise to his new level, meaning the crap would have to get really deep fast), as they begin their spiel as slick as any used car salesman you have ever met.
     There are a lot of parallels besides the crap they are trying to feed you that endlessly sounds like an old vinyl record disc hung up on a scratch as they go on about reducing taxes, making America strong, and of course reaching down into the hearts of America and doing away with the present administ6ration and all the trouble they have caused. In fact if one listens long enough they begin to sound more like preachers instead of politicians, which is until they are elected. Then we citizens must understand and be patient with the new administration, until they are able to set things straight with Congress, while all the while forgetting what they promise the people, instead enacting their own agendas to make their run at politics more secure, knowing they knew what was right for the people. 

how we see politicians

     Billions will be spent on getting the word out there that they are running for office, which is kind of moronic in the first place. I mean with the advent of the internet and news media being what it is, do you really think it is necessary to spend billions on thirty second ads for what purpose, to tell you something that was already covered on TV, in some ways mindlessly drilling into our head a politicians name as if we were cattle and only needed to remember the butchers name before he sliced our head off. It’s as if we were mindless and knew nothing of the candidate or what he stood for before showing up in the voting booth. Far underestimating our potential at making our own decisions and showing how they are further out of touch than anyone could imagine by attempting to trample on our thoughts and instead train us by repetition of hearing a politicians name thinking that once we get in the polls the only name we will remember is theirs. Their ads are pure rhetoric as if anyone could really determine a politicians worth in thirty seconds one way or another.
      Could you imagine what all the money spent on mindless TV ads would do for the poor in our society if instead they spent their money buying houses for the homeless, making sure they were fed, and that all their medical needs were addressed? The more competition for the presidency would result in more money for the poor. Some people would say this is buying votes, but I am sure many poor people would gladly give up their right to vote in an election in which they receive aid to just have a roof over their head, something to eat, and the needed medical aid it takes to address their problems to return them to a dignified place in society. And look at it, all at no cost to the taxpayers. We could look forward to a presidential election to see who had the biggest pockets to make things right in a country where the poor’s needs are satisfied according to their ability to pay taxes. Why should the top exec’s at NBC , CBS, CNN , ABC, and FOX news enjoy fat lucrative bonuses while the poor get nothing but a bumper sticker without a car to put it on. 

    a new trumppiece?

      So what do you think the news organizations are going to do if finally they had to report the news instead of putting their special slant on politics as they do? They bring in political consultants, conduct polls and tell the voter who it is popular to vote for and follow, as opposed to who would be best in office according to his or her values. Wow what a concept, hiring a politician into office based on his humanitarian values as we watch as time after time we see them cater to the poor and the rich alike sharing 100 dollar a plate dinners in suit and tie affairs one night, then dressing down to blue jeans and a flannel shirt the next, as they head around the country stumping for votes as they should. The news organizations would still be there and don’t worry they will be selling pampers and other products, instead of thirty second ads for a million dollars. They know but ignore the mass populace at election time, instead catering to the future electorates hoping they will buy overpriced ad time.
       We would elevate our nation as a moral place to be. We would no longer have programs to feed, and clothe and house the poor as we really wouldn’t need them.  In fact this would lead to less rhetoric as politicians use now, as they no longer have to cut Social Security or exaggerate the needs of the poor as part of the budget and this would become a moot point in politics , instead it would be seen as see  what I have done for the poor. A humble politician would not say see what I have done, instead let others point out his good points as he scours the nation looking for deeds to be done to gain attention.  
      I know I am an idealist, thinking that taking money from the rich to give to the poor is a good idea; in fact there was a popular story about that called Robin Hood. Well instead of robbing the hood we would be giving something back. It will never work. Instead I know I will be relinquished to donning a pair of boots and wading through the bull and grabbing a pitchfork and shoveling the barn out waiting for the presidential election to finally end again.

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