Tuesday, November 3, 2015

getting an early start on the day

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pig i am working on

       Although I may seem to get a lot done, still in my heart I know I need to get more done than I do. I am capable of more and even when I am at leisure I need to utilize my time better, whether it is drawing or whatever.  And Mr. word perfect is having its way with me this morning as it seems I can get nowhere with this blog this morning constantly making mistakes while I am writing I have to go back and correct as I go along. This slows my train of thought and makes it tough to stay on subject.
      I regress as I rant about why I can’t get more done or why it is such a hassle doing anything it all. I doubt it is any different than anyone else when it comes to that territory. For me I am driven by a need to make my life better for myself in just a couple of years by making my home life something I am proud of instead of feeling like I am ashamed to bring people into my home, plain and simple I hate trailers. I saw one burn up one night as I went home through Mineral City in an area called Windy City which stands for a small community of trailers grouped together for people trying to escape the Chicago area and all its violence.   Apparently their effort to escape the Chicago area and all its troubles didn’t unfortunately include fire as it ravaged the trailer and firefighters were helpless to do anything about it as I saw flames licking the bottom of tall oak trees thirty feet up on a hill as I traveled on a road parallel to the fire as I went home to my trailer to check my fire alarms. I passed fire trucks scurrying to carry water to the top of the hill where hydrants were nonexistent to fight a fire that there was no chance of ever stopping till it was complete in its devastation. 

bear i am also working on
       These things are like wind tunnels of death just waiting to snare you with fire as it consumes the cheap plywood paneling that seem to make up almost 90 percent of the innards of these places. The floors are of a composite wood glued particle board and even the plumbing will burn heartily, as the heat builds up inside and the aluminum walls actually melt from the heat allowing more air to fuel the fire and make devastation complete.  They say a trailer will be completely destroyed and engulfed in fire in fifteen minutes and by the time of a half hour is passed even with the best firefighting effort it will be a smoldering black mess. My distance away from the fire department will only assure that the Magnolia fire department and its reputation of being the called the best basement savers around will go unscathed. So easily one could see my need to get to better accommodations than what I have now is of pressing concern.
      I inherited a mess in some respects not unlike a lot I have encountered before. The trailer being mated with the old house was probably ok years back but recently I have encountered some electrical problems that have required me to do without electricity in some areas of the trailer. Part of this is because of my unwillingness to climb underneath the trailer to see what kind of connections my brother installed between the two as I feel that may be the source of my problem. Well my unwillingness to live out my life in a trailer is only surpassed by my unwillingness to climb under the trailer for anything.
     Multiple water leaks forced me to install new water lines in the living area exposed on the walls to make sure they are where heat will get to them to prevent freezing. I have had to redo some drains only to the extent that I would do what I could do, as long as I don’t have to climb under the trailer. I hate those places and their cobwebs and damp ass fiberglass messes. When new they are not too bad. But after a water leak or two and the insulation in the floor of them become damaged they are a nightmare to keep them dry. I have no intention to do that. I am getting to old to run out in the cold at night making sure my animals are ok while I watch everything I own go up in smoke. This is what is driving me to keep on going despite whatever obstacles I might encounter.
    Every day since I started the foundation for the addition I have been trying to put in at least 2 hours a day toward the building process. This is about as much as my back will allow and still be able to keep up with other activities I try to plan on completing daily. Some will say I should just pay someone else to do the work I can’t, or is too hard for me to do. Well in theory that seems great, but in reality I am like everyone else when it comes to paying for anything. I have to watch every penny I spend and I can’t afford to take out a loan and it is up to me as an heir to the farm not to burden the farm with unnecessary costs by having the farm either pay for my needs, or to assume a loan to get done what I need to do. Since legally I don’t really own the land and in reality only have a share of the total farm, I can’t really get the farm to do anything for me they won’t do for anyone else. In fact the only insurance I can get is renters insurance and the insurance companies are not too crazy about giving me that. And the main reason for that is the construction of my fine abode, whereby a trailer is mated to a house. The age of the trailer is also a concern as well as the wiring as it is aluminum and has been known to be a fire hazard.
    I would hate to lose everything and if I did, I think that would be it for me and my efforts at trying to make home here. I guess as long as I could get out the best I can and be able to save my animals, I would be able to start again but it would be hard.  So in the meantime I need to keep on pushing myself to do more. I guess a will is also in order to make sure my wishes are covered in the event something did happen. As it stands now I am entitled to receive a share of the farm properties, without a will , my share would be passed on to the family whether I wanted it that way or not. In some ways it would be nice to see the property stay in the family but in that same respect it would mean my life has been worth nothing, neglecting the endless hours of work I have done on the farm without pay, trying to maintain in some form of protecting the family investment. This will pass on to some who feel I have no right to any part of it. It is for that reason alone I need to get my affairs in order and pass my share to someone I feel deserves a chance to live their lives in comfort of knowing they can live here without worry of moving in their lifetime. Maybe after that I offer my share back to the family to fight over. By then I am sure I will be a passing memory in all their minds.
    So in some ways , yes I am driven to make sure I take care of unfinished business and get myself to a point where my life will be easier and all I will have to think about is taking care of myself , my art and whoever will be in my life as a partner at that point. Hopefully I will have left life’s hassles well behind. Or do we ever get to that point?  

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