Monday, May 16, 2016

cats like it better than chickens do! don't figure.

My Cat House 

      No folks I haven’t set up any illegal businesses and lowered the integrity of the farm. Dad always used to say he thought about opening up a cat house but figured he would have to run it by hand for a while and so he never really thought it was an option. Dad said a lot of things and most are not very appropriate, but then his filter wasn’t the best and whatever was on his mind spilled out of his mouth. At that you always knew where you stood with him at the moment.
       My cat house started out to be a chicken hutch to lay eggs in so that the neighbor dog wouldn’t be able to get to them. The dog still gets the eggs and the chickens despite having been the first ones in the hutch, have never been back to use it since I built it. Instead the cats use it to lounge around in. it is a simple 6 hole hutch. I had used a cat carrier before and the chickens used it quite frequently, and it still sits there with a raincoat over the top close to the side of my house. This was way too convenient and worked for quite awhile. It was nice I would hear the chickens cackling and soon I could go outside and collect enough eggs for an omelet and the hens were quite regular with their offerings. My return offering was the eggshells back and some bird feed mix I use for everything avian on the farm. The hens were fed and happy and would follow me around the farm waiting for me to unearth other morsels of goodness like worms and grubs when I would turn over a shovel full of dirt. They would jump right in where I was digging and begin scratching to get whatever they could come up with. They still do that, but the egg laying has gone elsewhere and is forcing me to go search for the eggs.
       The hutch was supposed to be a remedy to this problem and I still have hopes to make it a dream come true by some way. I guess it too open for the hens to use, and doesn’t afford the privacy one needs when pushing a basketball through your ass. No wonder they cackle after. I mean when one looks at the egg laying process it is quite remarkable to do on a regular basis like that daily. And that pretty much seem to be something you can count on. They are amazing animals I am becoming more familiar with as I grow older. When younger I just took for granted our chickens and what it took to make eggs on a regular basis, besides feeding and collecting and making sure they had water. Still there are so may things I still don’t know about chickens, and maybe there is a part of me that refuses to search for the answers since I like eggs so much.
       I think that I had trouble with growing up on the farm and being schooled in nature before thoughts of creationism were able to flood my fertile mind. Watching a dog in heat, a bull riding a cow, and other methods of copulation that nature has to offer allows a young person to observe how nature’s mates interact with each other to produce offspring. Answers came and they were contradictory to what I was learning from religion. I was observing pure science, and realizing, that no one but the animals involved were doing what was necessary to create offspring. No one else or any spiritual connection was involved. I kept an open mind and still have entertained thoughts that somewhere in this universe an overwhelming power is guiding our civilization. That is till I hear Donald Trump speak on something and then think, crap, there goes that theory. Still I have always had problems just understanding how a rooster could flog a chicken from that angle and still make a fertile egg . Logistically it doesn’t work out.
    He is on top of her flapping his wings much like the old rooster did to my tennis shoes one time when I left them on the porch. I never wore those shoes gain or left others outside to suffer the same conflagration of unbridled sexual frustration as that rooster did when he impaled himself on my tennis shoes. The sight still haunts my mind. Yet I know the male rooster has parts much like me and, the female also has parts like a woman,, but still anatomically they don’t match. Or at least I don’t think they do, or maybe they do. I am still back at eggs and need to quit thinking and accepting things as they are. Otherwise I may never eat an egg again. My mind gets carried away at times and I can be a little fickle about those things. I guess I understand nuclear fission as well as I do chicken breeding and should just be comfortable with that.
     I just know I like eggs and I liked that they were laying close to the house, but I think my chicken hutch/ cat house isn’t the answer and I need to revisit some older ideas and maybe transition the hens to the chicken house as they should be. The hens are a bit reluctant to hang out there since losing some of their own to a raccoon one night that broke in there and dragged half of them away. I can imagine the place has some bad memories for them and that atmosphere out there may not be the best for laying eggs. They have never spent another night in that place since that fateful night. Getting the hens back out there may be a problem. It is a nice roomy place but I guess I need to beef up the security there if I ever think I could get them to spend another night there  or lay their eggs there at least.

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