Sunday, May 22, 2016

we have to watch what we are asking for.

Robots Replacing Humans? 

me and a koi having a moment at Phipps conservatory in Pittsburg, Pa.

     Or is it time to give business some intervention time out? Driven by unlimited profits, a lot of attention is being directed toward the use of robots to do everything from sweep the floors to dispensing medicine in pharmacies to driving cars and trucks. Robots work an unwavering 24 hrs. / day and perform a myriad of jobs already and if one had to guess, I would say one tenth of our work has already been replaced by smart machines, and there is probably a larger percentage of worker assisted computerized machine work that is also replacing workers( example- CNC machine work) , pushing that robot work to almost fifteen percent of what it took humans to do 30 years ago when computers were in their infancy.
      I don’t know about you but recent developments by Google and others involving computer controlled cars and trucks taking over driving on our public roads and seemingly without any intervention on behalf of us the people, who originally paid for these roads with taxes and for the most part still own the ground underneath these roads is troubling to me. Technology is amazing until you have a driverless truck bearing down on a school bus stalled in an intersection and you really need that truck to stop. Then you only hope that the engineers have built in all the different parameters to safely brake the truck to a non-skidding stop. I imagine there is going to be a lot more testing and improvements in roadway safety before this will become a reality. But I am sure someone somewhere, sure has plans to make it a reality. Google has already successfully developed a driverless car, supposedly more safer than a human assisted car or so they say, also there is a trucking company looking at a semi that is robotically controlled.
      Their motivation is undoubtedly profits, I am sure they could care less about humans they replace in the process of shifting work to robots. Amazon is looking at using drones to fly parcels to customers as opposed to using delivery personnel or vehicles in an effort to reduce their bottom line. Robots work tirelessly in auto plants now performing welds on unibody cars with much more precision than a human could do, and with a repetitive performance unequaled by man. They  have been at it for years, and  never once has GM( General Motors),  paid one dime in retirement or health premiums,  or have the robots failed to show up on payday to do their given duty. Instead they sit there in the plant plugging away tirelessly with undaunted precision at welding and processing metal to form a new car. This has meant unequaled returns for the investment in robotics as opposed to normal factory workers. In fact most factory work that hasn’t been replaced by robots is being considered to be replaced to reduce the liability associated with keeping a production worker. Anything repetitive can eventually be replaced by a robot, and in the case of driverless vehicles even non repetitive jobs like driving can be coaxed into a computer program .
     Farmers planting fields with modern farm machinery can use previous GPS information to determine the fertility of a field, its yield, and moisture conditions, and adjust fertilizer, and seed requirements on the fly as it plants fields to achieve even greater yields than it did the year before as the system learns from its previous years as to what works and what doesn’t. Greater yields are possible today from the use of computers and computer assisted planting than ever was achieved from humans doing the same planting even with mechanical planters and large farm machinery before the advent of computer assisted farming technology. We have a   breed of agriculture out there today that is shaping our future.
      This has resulted in profits for farmers, industrialists, and even the transportation industry through the use of GPS assisted technology we all use today. Gps is a computer assisted program that by using set points can establish your relative position to those points and determine exactly where you are plus or minus 5 feet at any given time on the face of the earth through the use of your cell phone. Who knows what information is being gleaned by thousands if not millions of people travelling the same direction on a daily , yearly or even the trend for a ten year basis as the numbers are available as well as the computing power to make a digital path be so precise that a computer aided car can drive out in the country and pick up Miss Daisy , open the rear door automatically, and the trunk as well, let her place her bag in the trunk of the vehicle and as she climbs in the rear of the car close the door and drive her to the airport or wherever as she reclines in the safety of the rear seat watching Driving Miss Daisy for the tenth time. Reroutes due to detours would be handled automatically as well as planning out the most efficient route. Who knows? All thanks to modern GPS we are using today?
     What are we going to do as humans to while away our time? Where are we going to get the money to afford a cab ride if the best job we can get is cashier at the local Family Dollar working for minimum wage. Mc Donald’s and Wendy’s jobs will surely be replaced and just recently I saw where Wendy’s is following Sheets gas stations in developing your own order kiosk that you can order your hamburger without an order taker,  so that they can eliminate one more position in their fast food restaurants. Mc Donald’s already has a computer assisted soda dispenser that automatically fills each glass of soda to a pre adjusted level. A stiffer plastic lid would allow another machine to seal the glasses automatically. Even burger flippers and timers are not out of the question or automatic sandwich assemblers. The minimum wage is rising and even the fast food restaurants are doing whatever they can to eliminate human labor wherever possible. In fact I can hardly think of any job that isn’t repetitive to a certain extent, or that a program  could not be wrote to eliminate another human from working till robots have taken over all aspects of our life.
     And you think it is not possible to take over all aspects of our life including making love, and then you are sadly mistaken as there are companies developing love robots that would actually copulate with a human and perform any type of deviant sex without protest.  I could imagine the details could be as complex as installing sperm receptacles capable of injecting women with sperm that are trying to get pregnant and really desire to do it alone without a partner or at least share the child rearing with a partner. Why this would be such an absurd concept to believe in when sperm is readily available at sperm banks and you could actually choose a suitable donor and what is left but a dildo with a sperm pump and a little fun on behalf of the recipient? Not much different than what is happening today.

all pics are from Phipps today where Lucy and i was able to explore.

    The same could happen with the male counterpart , a sex slave willing and programmed to do a variety of sex acts without complaint, on demand and time after time. Of course this is sex and not love. I am sure there will be cuddling robots for single women, as well as security robots whose sole purpose will be to walk around the house and assure a woman is safe alone at night without fear of being raped or murdered. Say for instance you desired to go for a jog at night you would take along old Roby for a jog in the park late at night and not worry whether crime will have anything to deter your enjoyment of the moment.
     I can see where robots could play a major role in crime prevention; this would eliminate those in law enforcement. The scenarios I am suggesting has all lead up to one thing and that is less people working to do the same jobs we do today. Some jobs do need to be replaced by robots, but there others humans could probably do better, still will be replaced by robots because they’re cheaper, more efficient and will return a greater profit to the owner providing the service. They will work tirelessly, unlike humans. Still who is going to pay for their services or allow the investment necessary to make a sex slave work for you if we are all unemployed due to robots taking over all aspects of our life?  Some humans will work I am sure. Dr. assisted surgeries will still be necessary I would think. But then who needs surgeries if you can’t afford to eat products due to lack of work?
     Do we really want to eliminate all work from our daily regimen as humans? What kind of life would that really be if we had nothing to do day after day endlessly, for the rest of your life? I am sure you would be bored, and in the long run it would lead to mass suicides, a possible population explosion or go in the opposite direction where sex with robots eliminate the need for real partners, an actual decrease in population , being one sided where women are more prevalent than men due to man’s caustic nature for the most part. Leisure activities would seem like drudgery after a while. Waking up in exotic locations having all your needs catered to,would soon get old or at least I think they would. Then again the driving force of money driving the robotic explosion would also soon become meaningless as money is devalued due to costs being eliminated and at the same time, one would have to realize if no one is working then there will be no money to buy the products that the robots have to offer. So in this way robots are dependent on humans as well we could be dependent on them.
     So maybe since we are still in the infancy of a robotic explosion we take the time and set parameters as to what jobs robots can and can’t do to achieve a happy balance where humans can coexist as a society to make our world better by doing those jobs that humans really shouldn’t be doing. Working in nuclear storage facilities, or mining underground where a fear of collapse would take human lives, would be an acceptable job for a robot. Perhaps a in some circumstances a robotic attachment affixed to a prisoner of the penal system that would allow him to walk unfettered among the masses until he decided to rob or murder someone then a charge would be administered to his nervous system to render him motionless and of no real consequence to anyone and would serve as a deterrent to crime altogether. Trying to remove the device would also render him useless to continue in his pursuit to circumnavigate the system. Robots picking produce to feed the masses would be an acceptable alternative to humans doing the same job, which is mostly done with low income migrant workers now. Work done in hostile environments, like the bottom of the ocean, or in storage tanks where inhalation exposure to chemicals would also be hazardous and of no consequence to robots. Land mine removal and other war related hazardous duties, excluding purposes war outright could also be eliminated.
     Needless to say one could think of a variety of jobs robots would be best suited for. But if we wait for business and our armed forces to decide what we need in terms of robotics, then we may be destined to be replaced  ourselves by something that could easily impact our life on a negative basis, and allow that separation between the classes to become a canyon few could survive economically or physically. 

To that extent it brings to mind an old joke i heard years ago and is a bit seedy but if you are willing I will go on. 

    It seems as if this old guy was in a terrible accident and had his arm taken off. but technology being what it is , the doctors were able to replace it with a robotic arm .  
    Just a short time later he arrived bck at the surgeons office and presented the doctor with a bag.  Inside was the patient's bloody penis which appeared to be ripped from his body and the patient says" I hope you can reattach it with no problems, as i have had an accident with your new robotic arm."
    The Dr. asked incredulously, " My god what happened?"
    The patient said it worked great in fact, too good. as he went on to say,"I did as you said and spoke into the microphone you implanted in my shoulder controlling my new robotic arm , and it was while i was in the bathroom trying it out for the first time the problem happened."
      "As I leaned over to my shoulder and spoke into the microphone and told it to take my thing out,  and it did as it held it gently while i went to the bathroom. I then told it to shake it off , and it did , maybe it was the new arm or just being able to do that one thing , it felt so good , and so i told it to do it again and it did. and that felt so good again that i just leaned over and then i told it to jerk it off , and then i woke up on the bathroom floor and blood was everywhere, and as i looked around i found this on the floor next to me." as he motioned to the contents of the bag. 


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