Saturday, December 31, 2011

     the first pic is of the farm spring over the hill . i have carved a fish over there jumping in the water. anyhow would get pic but under a time crunch to get this out in day i was supposed to, but also because it is new years eve and i have chosen to be w/ the bloggers , not consuming alcohol, but burning the heck out of the lamps. anyhow one of my resolutions i decided was actually the blog. i intend to post every day of year. it only takes a few minutes and i can go back and edit as we go along. i quit smoking, drinking , and only cuss when it makes a joke , or when i hit my thumb. oh hell just about all the time sometimes. well rarely get mad and stay mad, but i am thankful i cant remember much about how mad i get and  now that i am getting into those golden years.i call it selective memory. i know there is room for only so much at this point and dont want to crowd it.
    so i guess i can say the relevance of the first pic is one, it has to do w/ water storage. and it was a pretty shot. and two being its over the hill( like me). destiny brings us to this point. here we are,  but where the hell are we? 
    the second pic is me about 2years ago when i had just carved this pesky bird which kept sticking its nose in the shot. really think i carved a lot more animals but they just walked off. no wonder i dont make no money. and i always have a friend. well i wish everyone a happy new year. check back things are always a changing on the farm.-kevin

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