Monday, March 26, 2012

some days

      someday i will win that 1,000,000 dollars , and someday i am going to do this and that with wild abandon. goodbye katy lock the barn doors we are going to have a good time . and maybe someday i will get a brain. as in today's discussion about the pond i built. we all have those some days . somedays it doesn't pay to get up or think. as thinking some days will get you in trouble much like myself. 

     i had rented an excavator and had dug a pond in our backyard and at this point i was using the excavator to do some landscaping which included taking out storm damaged trees in out yard . anyhow i tried to fulfill a someday and after reading about a guy who took trees and turned them upside down and hung lanterns from the roots , i decided then that someday i was going to try that ,only carve a face in it . well someday finally arrived as i was had taken the tree down the night before and covered over its remains and now needed to dispose of the tree and remembered about those upside down trees  and decided to go for it . i dug a deep hole about 7 feet deep and cut the tree off about 18 feet long and stuck the top side of the tree into the hole and stood it up with the bucket on the excavator when i figured out what i had done. 
     for some reason i didnt have the tractor there and only had the excavator and no way to close the hole around the log . so i had to shovel in the dirt while the bucket that would have moved the dirt also kept it centered in the hole. having some help would have yielded better pictures ,and an extra hand to shovel dirt . well maybe next time . and if you see me working you better run , you never know what i will get you into. the finished log carving is in the top picture. 

    this is what the pond looked like after i excavated it and landscaped the area surrounding the pond. i love doing ponds and cant wait to go at another someday.water has since filled the pond and it has undergone a transition next to remarkable. we have suffered numerous infestations of which the muskrats are most destructive yet. but i intend to make life hard on them. as i try to regain some control over the pond. 

     it is a cocoon for life though as it undergoes an evolution through time. at first at best was the frog invasion giving us ear popping peeper heaven as a cacophony of sounds permeated the air. and the second year we introduced fish , and reduced the peeper noise but we were also treated to cattails growing rampantly. the pond soon became entangled in algae in cattails.turtles could be seen and an occasional heron would drop by. a hawk was seen removing some frog competition one day as he soared away with a snake in his talons. we transformed a wet spot in the yard into a  biology study class as this pond continues to amaze us. 
    the ducks were a welcome addition  as they soon set about the task of removing algae and just about everything from the pond. dont know if i have fish , but do know i have 6 ducks with a permanent paranoid smile in their bills. 
     the last couple of photos are of me installing huge rocks on the waterfall . i carried these rocks from the top of the hill down to where i  installed them in the pond.

     the last picture is of the top small pond that is also one of the springs that feed the pond . also water from this spring trickles over the rock waterfall to the pond down below. i plan on significant changes to the pond with sculpture additions, and other features of which  i will keep you up to date as they become available to view. 


1 comment:

Kathie55 said...

Kev....I'm sure you will succeed in anything you set you mind to!