Tuesday, June 25, 2013

winter busy work 
cont. from page 11.

       lee and ann made dinner and lee's father who was a widower and  had lost his wife to cancer in an ugly battle that almost cost them the farm. lee fought to hold on and pay the bills but stage 4 cancer is not cheap by any means and the numerous trips to the hospital and then to the rest home took its toil on both him and his dad. at times lee's mom would hardly spend a minute pain free and was confined to a wheelchair where her frail frame would slump sideways in the wheelchair . it was as if she was withering away slowly. her hands ached , as well as her body and she never quite recovered from her operation as tubes were inserted to further hasten her demise but this was none to soon . as her pain and suffering went on daily for 6 months requiring medication to leave in her a pharmaceutical coma to be able to cope with life. one night the nursing home called lee , and it was then she let the family know how bad she really hurt .an infection had started and had been going on for awhile . as no one had a clue she was hurting as much  or as bad as she apparently had to be. her infection was around the old surgical scar and although tubes were inserted to drain , everyone thought the irritation around tube was due to the drain itself. she was festering inside and refused to give the slightest hint she was hurting bad, as she never complained . except for her standard answer to  anyone asking how she was . and her answer was always not a bit good. 
        the lottery could call her and tell her she won a million bucks and then they ask how do you feel now, and mildred's  answer would be not a bit good. it seems when she answered that way, everyone's response would  be," well whats the mater?" and of course you would be sucked into the ,' things were never like that in my day conversations, and 'young people don't know  nothing conversations'. if she said she was doing good then the conversation might end there with an ,'ok thats good' . 'see you later'.  family and friends soon wised up and  they were answering her' not a bit goods ' ,with 'okay that is good see you.' she must have really thought her  family and friends were butt holes as they sometimes just didn't want to hear all that stuff. lately lee's mom had not been saying much at all when they were visiting her at the nursing  home. she passed away peacefully they said. 
      seemed to be the standard nursing  home response as if they had a standard operating manual that says , in the event of death always remark to the patient's relatives they passed away peacefully. lee became angry , not so much  at the remarks but more from the passing of his mom . but still he thought , how in the hell they knew what was going through her mind when she went? it could have been searing pain or it was just simply nothingness , to have no sense of being.
        lee let his dad snore in his bed when he looked in on him in the darkness, knowing that man had demons of his own  to fight so he needed all his sleep to conquer. dad and me could do nothing now as  he lay in his bed thinking , laying in silence . tears began to well up in his eyes as he knew the next couple of days would be busy. he couldn't sleep and soon he grabbed his cell and started dialing for ann.  this time he needed a shoulder to lean on .even if it was just a little one. ann was on her way at the call to come and help with all that needed done. he lost a mom but gained a real love of his life as he  would never forget.
       dinner being over and lee was helping his dad to bed and making sure he had all his medication  and ann went on cleaning up the dinner dishes.  she too was tired but instead flopped onto the couch and waited for lee to return. she grabbed the remote,  something lee's father strictly forbid as she turned down the volume and started running through the channels when lee returned and sat sat down beside her. he slid his arm around her shoulder as she turned the volume up on a program that looked interesting to her.
      " so is your brother coming to watch your dad while we make the trip?", ann asked.
      " either he or my sis will come , i have talked to both and told them how important it was to us as we have been making plans. "
      " so are you excited as we will have 3 weeks together. i was thinking that is the most time we have ever spent together since i met you about 4 years ago. we need to stop this someday and live together no mater what ". ann said as lee started to rub her shoulders to relax ann and she snuggled even closer after feeling his big hands paw around on her shoulders.
      " you know how i feel about all this as i would love to have you with me all the time. i am here for now but soon things will change and maybe we can finally be together more. dad is slowly losing it . his meds were all over the floor and i asked what happened and he says , oh nothing as if nothing ever happens . don't know if he was trying to check out early or maybe he has the start of alzheimers. the other night i woke up and he was standing beside my bed just staring. i asked him if he was ok and he just stood there. so i just helped him back to bed. dont worry i installed a deadbolt on my door so he cant get in dear. it was scary. " lee rubbed a little harder as his emotions were finding relief in his effort to soothe anns muscles. taking out some of his frustrations with things as they are , and ann was grateful for the rub. they talked about visiting me and lee said he would call me . ann said lets surprise him its his birthday. lee led ann to his room and closed the door and locked it .
     " and i also put up more smoke detectors. , its kinda scary like having a little kid in the house. you constantly have to check the stove and its get this and get that," lee said. and he went on "i pay the bills buy the food . and where is the help, a brother and sister i practically have to beg to get them to take dad out to eat.. cant wait to come visit you. and just get away from it all. "
    ann approaches lee and spreads her hands up under his tshirt and feels the coarse stubble of his hairy chest and lets her fingers enjoy the sensation of his muscled chest as her hands slowly wrap behind lee's back as he stiffens then relaxes, as she explores his desire. and she says. " its all right dear , come to bed with me , i will make it all better."


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