Sunday, June 16, 2013

Trip to Sequoia CH.1 - part 1

Trip to Sequoia 

   Lee moved the mouse on his screen and hovered over the pic of the V.W.- van he was wanting to see. He was hoping to find a nice vintage van to buy and fix up for his trip to the Sequoia National Park. Something Ann and he had wanted to do for years since they were together, to stand at the base of these giants and gaze skyward and realize that the trees had been alive longer than most trees on earth. 
   Lee was hoping to find a so called green auto to take him across the country. Maybe see the sights along the way. Mt Rushmore, Yellowstone, and possibly head toward  the California Mountains and pan for gold. Even quite possibly dip his toes in the Pacific Ocean. Ann, his longtime friend and lover would rather fly than drive, stay in a motel, and swim in the pool. Than break a bead of sweat sitting around in an old van. Lee figured he would do the van up right and trick it out as best he could to make her agree to try and take the trip. Things haven’t been to good for Lee and Ann as personal health issues were beginning to bother them both.  Neither had anyone but themselves to lean on and oh yes, and occasionally me.  They just needed to get away to try and heal the inner as well as the outer self. 
   Ann’s family was from the Gunnites whose family had sown roots in prospecting and mining and had several mining operations around the country. She could afford to do anything. But was limited by Lee who was a strong sort of character who was very conservative with his money He would insist on paying his own way, even when Ann would offer. Ann would get upset when he spent his money on some of his projects at home.
     If it seems as if I know to much about them then yes I do as they have related numerous stories about their lives. I came to know them way to well and shared plenty of laughs with them.

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