Saturday, July 26, 2014

everything is a little whacky around here

Whackers has finally hatched her brood. 

My back door step 

      Whackers has finally hatched out four baby ducklings with a faint resemblance to Greeny my six dollar male drake as  i believe he is called . I hate to jinx poor whackers but we have been at this crossroads before. I wish her the best because if determination is a trait that is favorable i know she will eventually get it right. the chances of her having any ducks make it to adulthood is nil so far after about six hatchings she has went through .
       For the last 3 weeks she has been parked by my doorstep as i guess it is the safest place on the farm . Her first nest had the eggs pillaged this year already then she layed 20 more in the nest beside my house and hatched out four ducklings.
     A little while ago she announced she was ready to leave the nest and brought her brood out for me to view before taking off for the pond. She tired me out with her sitting on the nest and her determination to start her motherly duties of teaching her young how to survive. Since i received the ducks she is the last surviving duck and is about four years old i would guess , having hatched out twice a year for all those years and still no surviving offspring.
     Contentedly she sat in peace watching my comings and goings only t sneak off the nest to grab a bite drink a little water i provide along with some birdseed. then back on the nest giving these eggs had every chance to hatch if they were going to. She was determined and it payed off so far and i have a good feeling she will have success this time. Nature has a way of proving me wrong, and i hope it doesn't this time as she is one animal i admire greatly as she deserves living more than i do at times.
     She is the essence of life and how truly marvelous it is when it comes to lesser animals , as we take for granted how being human is a comparative  easy ride because of our intelligence as compared to the average duck. i could hardly imagine a woman sitting on a nest for three weeks eating hardly anything preening her feathers and making a nest with the fear that at anytime something will raid the nest and steal your existence without you being able to do anything about it. Let alone have a male counterpart who swims around lazily in the pond awaiting the return of his mate with her new brood. the whole process of reproduction and survival of animals is something to observe especially when it is placed at your doorstep.
      I have done what i can and i don't think it is natures way to interfere in the survival of animals unless it is a protected species. We need the biological diversity that nature has provided us with to perpetuate our future offspring in a natural way. As humans we interfere to much and are usually the root cause of most of the problems with the  biological nightmares we have created since technology has improved creating more opportunities to destroy our environment in new ways. we need to adopt a if it isn't broke don't fix it attitude  with some animals.
      Well i wish her the best and hope she is finally able to grow her young into adulthood. She deserves it and i know it wont satisfy her as she will be back next spring trying again. If they survive i will provide an update otherwise i will just hope that someday her dreams come true she deserves it .

Whackers with her brood posing before making the trek to the pond. 

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