Wednesday, December 28, 2011

   green solar wind house- is a conceptual design drawing i just did today in an effort to move along. other drawings and design considerations will be taken into account as i go along. i the author of the blog will take you along with me as i begin to design this house. first thing the name sucks , and i would be interested in input from who ever as to what a suitable name would be.
    what you are looking at is a side view of house. the sails of the windmill isn't as pronounced as you are looking at the end of them. the sails are reversible as well as the house will align with the sun to maximize electrical output when periods of no or low wind exist and computer makes the decision to maximize out put of solar panels. this is done by computer program and will take into account a lot of variables in an effort to increase electrical generation from multiple sources. the top of the house or the turret or round part of house attached to the windmill sails will revolve and face the sun as needed and sails become solar panels at that point. at times of high end the sails may be turned out of wind to add a safety factor by reducing the ability of the sails to catch wind and reducing the stress on the wind mill  overall.excess power will be utilized by storing in batteries till batteries are at optimum charge at this point excess electric will be used to pump water to top of hill and fill a large pond. at some point pond will fill and all systems will be at optimum capacity. at this point may sell power to local electric company. generator would be located at bottom of hill and water would be released from pond and would course down hill and run generator. the system actually uses stored water and hydro power as well as solar , and wind will be used to provide all the power needed to operate the house , and power the local utility if necessary. heat for the house would be through the beneficial reuse of wood waste. which may be by pellets.
    i see wood pellets as way to add fuel to a fire by an auger drop system that could be thermostatically controlled only allowing as much wood as is necessary to provide even heat in house. as this house rotates it also will be used to entertain people as is necessary. it could be set on a slow rotation providing you and your guests with an ever changing panorama. how many houses can do this? having water available in large quantities at the top of the hill would allow to develop gardens , features, at a fraction of the cost most homes would face.

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