Tuesday, December 27, 2011

today was one of those days. 

       well that is a pic of me carving at the log cabin day we had at local fund raising event. the bear in the background is a bear i donated to the organization to place outside cabin and is still there today. the chicken reminds of a story dad told of a tornado in west virginia that was so powerful it plucked the feathers out of the chickens and they went around featherless . and that one of those plucked feathers was propelled through the wind so hard that it embedded itself into a telephone pole an inch deep and so far it was hard to pull out without damaging feather. course dad also told me that if they layed west Virginia  out flat it would be bigger than texas. far surpassing anything a good texas bullshitter might comprehend.
     today is the comedy the tragedy is me getting back on subject w/ boring talk about windmills. all though the pics are somewhat related to subject as it gives you an idea of what it takes me to carve and what i use. that little chainsaw is the second one i use and maybe third. first saw cuts log, second blocks it out generally putting parts where they belong and then fine tuning is accomplished w/ the carving saw. short and bar is narrow at the tip allowing me to carve more detail into each carving. and the old rooster is a symbol of what can happen when wind gets out of hand. well words hardly convey my feelings about the lower pic. 

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