Monday, December 26, 2011

new years resolutions

      well christmas is over and we are heading to the new years holiday. a time to reinvent yourself to make amends for past failings and to make resolutions to change yourself for the better. a lot of people will make resolutions , very few will follow through on them.well those of you who are flawless have my permission to leave the room now.
      wow since they are gone , now we can get down to reality. reality is those that just left are full of shit, as we all can stand some self improvement on a daily basis, and not just on one day of the year as a passive way of justifying getting inebriated and then swearing off a lot things including alcohol with no meaning to any of it.
  i think it is more a way of life if you want to improve yourself, or your environment, or your way of life and being. you just have to do it, and no excuses. much like writing on here for me now. i have a lot to say but need a forum to say it. the blog is nice. in the privacy of my home, which i share with that dog at the top of page. her name is babe. babe just kinda lies around and does a lot of nothing but get me up once in awhile to let her out or feed her. but when i am writing on here she kind of leaves me alone. which is nice to have no reason whatever to not put my thoughts down and expand this blog. this is a form of my self improvement i try to do on a daily basis. its been 2 weeks since i have wrote, didnt say i was good at writing , just said what i would like to do  so briefly i touched on rmo technology , and will now discuss windmill technology as i know it and what is practical to me. maybe i should at this point try to give you an overview of what i am trying to convey to you the reader in a realistic no non sense way of describing. i am looking for a holistic approach to energy conservation, general agricultural practices, soil conservation and an overwhelming goal in todays time that would be admirable. to prove that i can effectively capture the energy that comes to the farm in terms of solar , hydro, and wind can benefit each other and harness these sources to provide enough energy to maximize farming operations on a small scale basis. in the process i intend to lock up carbons in the form of lignin and forestation, to improve the marginal areas of the farm. i am a fourth generation farmer , and have studied agriculture as well as civil engineering, and of which i never received any degree, but if its any consolation i did retain alot. and have read extensively and have been doing my best to keep up with latest technology.
    it is important to know where we are going with this blog. i have to remind myself often to stay the course. i mentioned a lot i was trying to tie together and will now break down into their individual components and how they relate to the other subjects.and also in what i am trying to implement on the farm here. i had mentioned the windmill and will relate it to the civil engineering part of my blog. i would like to design and build a movable windmill house . one that would rotate about its axis and be able to read the wind and achieve the full potential of the wind at any given moment. it would not only serve as a generating station for electricity but would also be a residence for myself. this windmill would incorporate solar panels on the exterior of house taking advantage of sun on a 360degree basis as solar panels would surround house and installed at maximum angle to achieve the suns full potential. these panels would be intermingled with glass and will give house a modern look. the beauty or major feature of the house is that it will be turning on its axis smoothly with the use of electric motors powered by solar power and controlled by computer monitoring a variety of factors including sun output and wind speed . this computer would then decide optimum power generating ability of house at any given time. it would then issue commands to house to move every fifteen minutes to that optimum positon it should be in to produce the most power from windmill sails. if there is no wind sails flip over and house is corrected to position of sun and sails become solar collectors as well as sides of house. override of the system allows you to rotate the house for viewing of the panorama around the house. from our vantage point at top of hill where house is one can almost look into three counties here in ohio. this will take into account considerable amount of engineering to accomplish this task but it is crucial to an overall holistic approach.

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