Wednesday, May 28, 2014

thanks to all who shared my plight

Mudder is found

        Mudder is found and is safe in a farmer’s heifer pen nearby. She is with other cattle and I am out of the cattle business for good. Getting to old to chase a profit, although she was a good stress test and I was surprised I could do as well as I could in keeping up with her. But once she was out of the woods she would just kick up her heels and leave me in the dust. Maybe that is where I should be as I had not seen her since Friday night and had heard nothing but reports of her presence,  and all that was  left was day old piles of crap in her wake. She generally annoyed the neighbors again and was seen three times  playing in the middle of St. Rt. 800 and stopping traffic in her attempt to find some other cattle to hang with, and possibly a bull might be in her future as I couldn’t provide any of that for her. James my helper, insisted he would do most anything but wasn’t going there.
     I have mixed feelings about being out of cattle business. It is hard to not have to drudge out in the cold in the middle of the winter when the snow avalanches inside your front door as you open it to brave the cold and feed those cows. To heck with it I am done with all that I am afraid. I lived it and I have been there as I just sit inside in the warm and just write about it when I have the chance. They are a 24 hr. a day animal as with Mudder , you never know when she is going to do a walkabout and the hours I have just spent looking for her tired butt, could have been easily credited to something gainful and creative instead was spent searching for a liability that long ago erased anything I might have gained by being in the business of farming. If I ever thought I was.
       It was more of a hobby thing and does represent a piece of who I am about. I was good caretaker of my animals and have since quit eating beef. Hopefully the farmer who gets her and already appreciates how nice she is will either add her to his herd or move her to another. Angus is a popular breed.
       I gave her every chance and it looks like destiny has chosen to let the nature of things make the decision for me to quit wasting time on things that don’t work because of my personal views and sentiments. It is hard to get sentimental about a carrot. Wont kick you and it doesn’t stand outside your kitchen window and stare inside to see if you are coming to feed them.
       I am not giving up farming instead making choices about the path I am taking. Hopefully for the better as I need to look more closely at our greenhouse operation and do more research into container gardening feel this could easily be a wise choice for our future to provide vegetables at your back door without any energy expended. I currently have tomatoes in pots of the Better Boy variety and I also have some heritage tomatoes also in containers. The Better Boys are starting to bloom. These were planted from seed and raised by myself. They come with bamboo trellis and will sell rather cheaply. This probably will not give you enough tomatoes to can but then again I guess we will see.  

      Mudder is safe and not a hood ornament and our little world is a little safer for now. Better take a picture outside, as I was told that there are only two things certain in life and that is death, as sooner or later everyone dies, and the other is change. As everything and everyone changes. The pace of change at times is frightening as I grow older as I never know if I will have a chance to do all I ever wanted or will destiny cut my time short again.

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