Monday, May 12, 2014

yockey farms open house May 17th,10-6. rain or shine.

Open House

        We being the help I receive from a variety of sources of all I am thankful for, have been working hard to try and make the farm just a little better since the last time I had an Open House. I worked too hard to try and make it work that I worked myself into the ground. And on the day of the open house I was still busy making preparations for the Open House. My entertainment being me was wore out. My chain saws needed work and I never did saw any while people were here. I did carve the bear I offered as a gift in a contest and I did deliver the bear, but much later in the season. I could never afford to have someone here on a full time basis now, but who knows maybe somewhere down the road it may work out.
        Anything you do all starts with the first step, and it isn’t an all downhill easy glide to start a venture like this. In fact with landscaping and nursery work it is more like a culmination of several years, as that is what is interesting about landscaping in general. It doesn’t always have to be expensive to landscape a property and create small wildlife habitat or a nook in your yard where you can commute with nature. I will show you using my chainsaw carvings and nature and add a few plantings and I will transform the yard into a walking source of eye candy where I hope every crook and cranny will yield a sigh or a pleasant smile. I am always trying to do things in a natural way so that I form a symbiosis with nature. Every year you come back you will see more added to the surrounding grounds as I find new ways to do the same old thing. Most of what I do here on the farm will go back to the upkeep of the farm in a natural way also. Including the sale of hay I intend to cut. Soon I will have bales of first cutting hay all around the farm. Open fields that are too steep to till will be returned to nature via tree planting I intend to do here on the farm. It helps to have trees to plant and in part my sale of trees supports my tree planting efforts.
     I am also experimenting with some new trees, not new except to me, but the intended use of the tree is kind of making a revival and lends itself well to farming naturally. The Osage orange or hedge apple tree is being used again as a natural fence. The tree seems to do well at lending itself to adapt and is hardy and is steeped in old world tradition of being used as a natural fence. Boughs of newly planted whips or long starts 6-10 feet are bent back to the ground and pinned and broken where the top branch hits the ground and allowed to form roots and creates a fence of sorts. Repeated plantings creates an impenetrable fence that is natural and aesthetic as well as capable of turning an elephant. This same principle is being used as a riparian fence and when constructed in same principle creates a fence capable of collecting solids and stabilizing hillsides where erosion is a problem. This can be a long term solution as both of these methods are widely used around the world for that purpose. It can be grown locally and is an earth friendly tree that not only turns your cow, but will also stabilize your hill and clean your air and supposedly when placed around the perimeter of a house will keep the spiders out, and do all this while you are sitting in your easy chair.

       It isn’t so much working with nature as in some cases you let nature do the work for you. A few moments with seed and soil allows a summer of new excitement and sometimes frustration as you watch your effort grow into something you cherish, if nothing else to help your piece of mind.  Come visit and unload in the shade of a tree. Enjoy what our farm has to offer. If you see something you like buy it. If all you take away from here is a smile then my job is done. Enjoy yourself and come every year. Until I can afford to have the greenhouse open all the time, then please call before coming as I always try to make use of the little time I have left. No one knows how long you have and some days I may be just sitting around smelling the roses, but until then I try to keep busy. During open house I am open and just come anyhow but all other times are by appointment. If at some time I see it would be beneficial to be open all the time then I will provide the help I need. That number is 234.521.3984. Please leave a message and I will return it.

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