Sunday, October 19, 2014

all we need is love

Was Thinking About Love?

photographer unknown 

    This is going to be a touchy subject, or the lack of love will be.  Currently single and free to explore all the different avenues of life without hurting, or bothering someone’s feelings as I explore the subject of love in trying to answer why we do care for one another. Questions like; would we be better off without love in our life? Does having a partner in love with you, make you weaker than the average person, or stronger? Is love a given trait of all animals, only humans express it much more? Finally would the world be better off without love? I plan on starting with a definition of love from my own feelings about it. I am hardly an expert, having been in and out of relationships and still searching for that one person to share my life with, if it is to be so. Still I am entitled to have feelings about the subject. Now you can hear it from a chronically single person, my version of what the fuss is all about.
     My definition of love: love is a longing of your soul to be spiritually connected on a higher level to another person to whom you are attracted. This isn’t the same kind of love you share with family, but instead a love that unconditionally accepts the faults and limitations of the person to whom you are connected mentally, and share a bond with, that is mutually expressed by that person to whom your affection is intended, and is not limited by time, but in essence, enhanced as you go along in the years, knowing that bond will go unbroken. I thought I found that a couple of times but life showed me otherwise.   
    Are we better off without love in our life? Tough question as I think about it. There are positive attributes to both sides as well as negative. I seem to be more productive in a spiritual way; being allowed to have the freedom to say what I would like about things without fear of having a partner look down on me and criticize my position as if what I might say will affect both of us. It’s not as if I am going to blaspheme the human race as I still have to deal with people on some level and have a responsibility to act as if I am somewhat human and have feelings and try not to hurt anyone else’s at the same time. Yet being in love with a person as a couple requires you to share your feelings, and what I say or do reflects on both of us as a couple. So in some ways I could say being with someone tends to tone down my feelings or how I react to things in life.  I don’t want what I do to reflect unkindly on the affections expressed towards myself by my partner so I restrict myself.
      Decisions about your joined life are usually made together and changes the course of your life. When you have a family this also alters the scenario as you now have more to consider. So in essence yes love changes everything and will alter your life’s decisions, where as being single you only have yourself to please, and that alone can sometimes be hard and lonely, or as easy as saying you really don’t care.
      If mothers or fathers never shared their love for their kids and if after being born, and we were never showed anything more than the basics of survival and were left alone to make it in the world would the human race exist as it does  today without some kind of camaraderie? I doubt it as I feel that human’s existence is a result of socialization of a species as we learn from our mistakes and share our misfortunes with one another, and learn because we care for own.  Those who don’t care are labeled as misfits of society, murderers and child molesters top this category of shunned peoples. Our laws of society share our respect for life and love as opposed to having a greedy self-worth with no respect for mankind. Our society has flourished over the years much better than other animals that also show the same compassion for their own. We are not alone as a species in sharing love. Time after time of observing nature I have noticed how animals use that same socialization to teach their own young the skills necessary to survive a full life. It’s just that deer’s haven’t figured out the car thing yet. But then, it is our infringement on their environment that has changed things.
      The human society has allowed us to have dwellings and to be able to utilize our natural resources to grow our own food as well as take of other animals all we need and more in sport killing, to the point of encouraging the extinction of other species to satisfy our own demands, as well as threaten our own existence from over utilization of resources to feed and comfort us.  
     Our desire to perpetuate the species is locked into a love thing, if we didn’t care for the opposite sex how would we procreate our existence? There has to be attraction to the opposite sex to make this world happen as it is. Although we have homosexuality in other species it is only humans that have figured out how to procreate in ours. This is a result of our technical prowess, and is only available to humans, but it still requires having a sperm and an egg unite in traditional ways which they’re still dependent on.
    Would we better off without love in one form or another having a maternal love or affection for one another? That would be a scary mass produced scenario of madness. Instead of natural selection we would have an orgy of the species where incest and rape for self-gratification and mass murder as parents would eat their young or breed them to maintain themselves in existence. There would be no limit as to what may happen without some kind love and respect for one another. Natural selection and evolution of the species would result in whole species being wiped out due to incest without some kind variety in life. Inbreeding would result and malformations would be plenty. Time has proven from extinction of species that there has to be variety in a species to adapt to the environment, without maternal guidance and care to show young ones what is right and wrong then this would be a sorry life. This is result of both parents sharing some kind of attraction for one another and their young in all species if it is only to perpetuate the species and allowing the young to grow.
     We all need love and respect to a degree to live a satisfied life. It is our personal interpretation of such that drives your life today. If you feel used and alone it is because you don’t have enough love in your life. If you are happy and single you have all the love you need. Trying to maintain any level in between is always a problem. For humans it is worse, as being the social animal we are, we tend to share to much with the wrong person and not enough with the right, and sadly to say the internet is sometimes making it worse as it cuts down the face time in some instances and leaves couples lonely. So if you are feeling a little left out and alone, then get the heck off of here and tell that someone you care about how much you love them in person, and share your feelings. Maybe I should have done that more often. But then again what do I know?

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