Hay Ride Still a Go
Babe, my dog has
this habit of late, of waking me up and wanting out at the crack of dawn, this
seems to be worse since my sister has brought her dogs in, and is up letting
them out early as Babe feels she must be out there to supervise them all. I messed her all up last night by letting her
out in the middle of the night as she also needs to go out at 4:15 am, almost
every night, well I let her out at 3 am and was able to fool her that I was
asleep at the crack of dawn, and was able to sleep up until 9 , almost an
impossibility with her. I figured I messed her schedule up and she too was
sleepy as she lay down beside the bed and slept too. It felt good, and I had a
dream sequence I remembered and it was interesting.
I was part of a
think tank group, (imagine that if you will) , getting together to assess a company’s
program to develop new products. We were introduced as a group, me and a couple
of other insignificants, a woman and others whom had no relevance to my dream
in the main office meeting room of the business wanting our service. We were
allowed unfettered access to all parts of the company but my visit was mainly
limited to the design facilities of which I intended to check out and see just what
it was that spurred these designers on.
I remember crossing a huge cavernous main entry
to a factory and was led to a room where there was the most comfortable chaise
lounge and spacious banquet meal was prepared and upon which I rested pain free
on the chaise lounge eating of the dinner prepared for me. I remember having
chicken and eating with my fingers, and wanting something to wipe my hands when
I noticed a Bengal tiger checking me out. The tiger was friendly and thankfully
so, as I was aware my hands smelled like chicken, I remembered, and yet he walked
with me as we strolled the grounds around the factory observing all the perks
like water fountains, and manicured gardens designed to put their designers
minds at ease, and in the end I was supposed to come up with suggestions as to
how to make the designers more efficient at what they do.
As I stood and patted
the tiger on the head and thought , it came to me that what they needed was
more structure and fear of losing their job instead of living in the lap of
luxury of planned banquets and opulent living as these jokers could have cared
less that their job depended on them producing . Instead they would stroll the grounds,
thinking they were something else besides the designers or innovator’s they
were supposed to be, and yet were actually needed to make the company produce. In
the end I suggested that they take all the luxuries away from them and force
them to produce or else face being fired. Sometimes we can give too much to people
and they become reticent in their behavior, always wanting more but never
offering to up their ante in the stake.
When I woke and remembered
the dream, I recall seeing how the thinkers and movers at a Google office
presented themselves as they would do strange things and have strange office
behaviors, yet be in virtual touch with each other so that they thought as a
unit instead of as an individual with original thoughts. Maybe this was a predetermined
dream to an extent, but it has been months since I saw the pics on Facebook. Maybe
it was a sign that the internet was making us lose our individuality and making
us collectively responsible for inaction, I don’t know.
Now what this
dream means to me is beyond my comprehension as the symbols of lavish living
and being reticent and what the heck the tiger was to me, and what chicken on
my hands means is beyond me. In fact I lost it at me being part of a think
tank. The mind is sometimes a strange instrument of teleportation as you never
know where it is going to go, or what all the symbolism means. I live in a
house morphed into a trailer house here on the farm, I am on disability and
need to watch what I spend and I by no means have any ties to the dreams, yet I
can remember laying on that chaise lounge pain free and completely rested and
relaxed, this is a hard thing for me to do. Also I remember designing a faucet
that the sides would expand to fit new construction or old. Don’t know what
that was all about. I have pretty vivid dreams when I dream and have come up
with some wild ideas out of them, which have come true in one sense or another.
These are mostly design ideas.
So anyhow instead
of hurrying out to prepare for the hayride and fix the greenhouse , I instead
decided to take you on a trip inside my mind, careful it is pretty cramped in there
with some kinky turns and twists and a distorted view of life , but hey that is
the way I ride.
Anyhow will leave
you with a pic of a house in New York I took that is kind of eerie and have
shown before. Hope to see some of you at the hay ride.
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