Tuesday, February 3, 2015

continued cold and miserable with some slight improvement

         Moving on with drawings 

       Finally some of the schooling is paying off, even if it is just for me. As I said before I now have my Harbor Freight drafting machine, and it is more than sufficient to make somewhat professional drawings that are easily replicated with a scanning machine. Mostly I draw with a mechanical pencil in I guess what would be 2 B lead. And an eraser plus the drafting machine are my only tools. 50 bucks for the drafting machine isn’t bad. Along with this at your home, that if you look in your junk drawer at home surely you would have a mechanical pencil, and if not a regular pencil will do, as long as you keep it sharp. If you use a pencil then you will need to look further in your drawer and see if you have a peace of used sandpaper to hone the point of your pencil after you sharpen it. This will make nice clean lines.
      Always wash and thoroughly dry your hands and keep work surface or table top clean. I use the painters tape to secure the paper from my sketchbook (good quality), to the table top. So far the painters tape doesn’t take half my drawing with it when I remove the tape after finishing the drawing. I am in the process of completing a full set of drawings, and so far you are seeing preliminary drawings to implant all the detail points I want to include so that when I start finished drawings, I will have made most of my edit changes as I go along.
    Pencils are nice as we are bound to make mistakes , change our mind , find a best choice for aesthetics, as these are just a few of the reasons I need an eraser and two sets of drawings. I will include a pic of the setup I have currently in my kitchen. Ladies it could be worse I could have a hog motorcycle engine up on my table there getting a new set of rings. Guess it is all what we are into. I do my fair share of knuckle busting and can easily talk shop mechanics with most but prefer to use the old noggin for higher purposes. Even Lily’s bowls left the table as Babe and her are now friends and look out for each other, so there is no need to feed separately and having a feed bowl on the table tells Lily it is alright to climb on anything and she does. Lately she has figured out some things are ok to climb on and some she just needs to leave alone. She is doing great staying off the table and countertops.
    When in college I was doing this work daily and found it quite rewarding. But getting a set up like mine back then still cost around 600 dollars and out of my league. As I go along in my preliminary drawings, I find skills I haven’t used in years are coming back, that is all the things I was supposed to remember. And as I sit here and reflect back at my last drawing I made in haste to just get the idea across, I see I forgot the arrows pointing to distances. I am sure if my old professor saw that he would shiver looking at my drawings. Thinking for sure that he taught me better and I am sure he did. It is just that I didn’t pursue that direction of employment, as at the time everything was starting to be done on AutoCAD and although I liked computer aided drawing I could hardly afford the computer and didn’t think myself knowledgeable enough at the time to seek out employment in an area where school computers are rarely like business computers in the sense of simply operating them. You had to learn a new system as the technology was changing fast. I didn’t know if I was up to the challenge, but oh well here I am doing it for myself and finally getting some use out of what I learned.
     I still have problems with computer aided drafting program I bought and it seems as if I spend more time fixing old mistakes than being productive, so I feel frustrated because I am results oriented person, meaning I like to see what is wrong or right with something as I go and fix it and move on. When I can’t fix it or spend all my time fixing and not creating I grind to a stop. I hate that, and think simpler is better sometimes. Which is why I like the drafting machine. I don’t like getting frustrated and think my time is better served doing anything else. But I need to finish these drawings and work on a plan to build the addition as I also have a band saw mill to build and trees to salvage in short time.

    Soon I will be ordering plants to pick up for the greenhouse as temps start to moderate. I guess what I am saying is that in order to meet any time schedule I set  for myself I need to be keep up the effort daily to make it all happen. I constantly have to focus on what is most important and dwell on that. I suppose it may be to the point that if I am going to accomplish building in the two year timespan,  I need a notebook and set things in order. Gee imagine that I need to be organized.  I have just the notebook and it is a sketchpad too. So will start carrying it everywhere, as well I can dictate to phone any ideas I get and use this as an organizational tool also.
     Well I hope you enjoy the front view to look at for now. A more thorough presentation will come along pointing out all the features I plan to incorporate along the way. I have been thinking of kitchen accessories I think I want to build in. Like an island, a mixing/ prepare table with an adjustable work surface that allows even handicapped wheelchair bound folks an opportunity to prepare their meals sitting down, as well as standing at a comfortable height. This would also include a prep sink to allow for washing of vegetables. I also plan on having the same arrangement with the kitchen sink with adjustable heights to accommodate tall as well as wheel chair bound folks with an opportunity to be able to be independent. Choosing for myself a chance to live out my final days in the comfort of my home, taking care of myself, as opposed to some supposedly sterile nursing home room as I grow older.

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